Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Sunday, April 20, 2008

True Value

The true value of this week was not from the sweat of the brow. Though we are thankful to God for every drop of sweat, every nail, every aching muscle that worked this week and pray the LORD rewards them all for the fruit of their labor. But truth be told any of it could have been done with local hired hands. Common, but that which was sacred that which gave God the Greatest Glory; What held the highest value, could not be bought, nor could it be acquired by the sweat of the brow. It was the testimony. Every member showed the LOVE of Christ in Word and in Deed. They opened their hearts to the pain and the joy of this work. The treasures of the heart that they both gave and received, the shining example of Christ left with our children and people, every hug, tear and I love you, the gospel that was shared through preaching, teaching, sharing and truly caring, hold value far above and will have eternal heavenly glory. All the Old Paths folks were wonderful, and each one left a lasting impression. Whether it was walking down a mountain in 102 degree heat alone handing out tracts, or the smile and amen that was still there at the end of the day after pharaoh’s whip cracked in your ears all day. But the young ladies are acute in my memory. Our girls needed to see their walk with Christ, their surrendered hearts, their convictions, to know there are 7000 that have not bowed… Our church and our children both commented they were like our daughter Sasha. They often hold her up as a truly Godly example, an now have seen there are more who walk in “The Way”. It gave them a yearning to also walk in the Light. Our Church and our family thank you Old Paths keep true to the old paths and Please keep us in your prayers.


At April 20, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a tremendous BLESSING! Ladies that husbands are returning overnight surrounded Tom Smith, to find out how our men are doing. Praise God!

At April 20, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Blogger Katie said...

Aww....that picture of my Pastor Cam. Is so precious with those children around him. God bless you all.......your always in my prayers


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