A little further
Just a few follow up pictures to the last post. Sayder's hand, Karen's BD at school. The trees were touching the roof so it was time to trim them. Most of the children helped in some way, trimming branches, hauling leaves, or burning wood. Barry Jr was "proving" his new machette. Lots of grounds keeping work to do. The last construction project on the Childrens Lighhouse for a while will be the stairs on the boys dorm side. Time to wait upon the LORD and renew strength....and funds. Still much yet to do before moving in. Finish stuccoing walls, well, more tile work, sinks made, window enclosure on the dinning hall side the last of the site work, appliances, beds, furniture, a/c and fans installed(only 104 degrees right now) have the power turned on ect ect. Then we still must raise the level of support to take in more children and start the school. Do to us being slow to have funds available and a new policy in the electric company we were without electric for 2 days. The policy is anyone with a bill higher than 5000L must pay it in 3 days of the bill (ours is usually 10,000L=30% of our income, higher since we had americans visiting last month). But the bank which takes payment is still on the old policy will not take funds until 5 days after the bill date... so they were swift to cut it off. With electric off it makes it hard to find out if funds are even available... So I am not real eager to turn on eletric at the Lighthouse property and have yet another hard to pay bill. Lets just say I am glad the kids like the fruit at the property and can cook on an open flame.
I had a wonderful time yesterday with all the kids at the property while Lisa waited for the electric in the city. The children all went to school with a snack of fruit from the property. After school they all did homework, each older child helping a younger, and each having a list of chores to do after that. Nancy and Jenny washed all 18 school uniforms by hand on the pila, Lisa had instructed Alba to make Mac n cheese in a big pot on the open fire. Toño was burning garbage, some were cleaning, some were picking fruit for tomorrows snack. I was sitting out back leaning back in a chair, just enjoying all the kids working together in different projects. An actual moment with all of them busy, none of them argueing or complaining, no one had a bad report for school or anything. Felt kinda "sagely grandfatherly" as each in turn asked for help or permission for this or that. Afterward allowing them all to go find the fruit of choice to eat and play. Little hands bringing large ripe mangos or coconuts for me to open for them. It was one of those times even in the midst of difficulty that the LORD gives like a cool drink of water. Amen!
Sounds like a wonderful time just to relax and spend time with the kids! I'm glad that the Lord allowed that for you..you needed a nice break! We'll continue to be praying for the Lord to provide the finances in HIS timing to provide all of the many needs that are there...keep smiiling and serving HIM!
God bless...Love and prayers!
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