Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Mountain vision

Already a busy week. Honduras celebrates a national children's day and most schools and churches do something special that day.
It is a single day for most but when you are wanted in more than a dozen locations...it takes a week or more to deal with over 1500 children. Jenny and Alberto have taken on much of this duty this week. The old kia had to be pushed out of the mud at one church, on another mountain it overheated and lost brakes coming down the mountain... but have already ministered to hundreds of kids 1-12 grade and week is not over yet. Our institute grades are sacrificing much to minister in 6 public schools. They have made themselves a wonderful ministry.
They give the schools the needed help they want and the schools in turn let them teach full time bible classes to all grades, to all students. They have seen many come to Christ and the church is growing a lot. Amen! Julie officially graduates high school Friday and has a gov issued graduation. They asked Lisa to "cater" it. Cake ect. The same day she graduates at 10 am she reports to the university the same afternoon last day to turn in her graduation papers...  talk about just under the wire. Amen!


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