Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Day in the Life

A Day in the life of our kids here at the Children’s Lighthouse.

Lisa is still very under the weather with pneumonia. To allow her to rest I have been caring for all the kids we have taken in (18) alone on our unfinished Children’s Lighthouse property (when finished it will house 100+) For now we are in the 20’x30’ apartment that has electric. It is currently without water(well went dry last month), only a 1 cubic foot ref and a single burner hotplate.. and no stores. Washing all the school uniforms every day, as well as play clothes by hand... with the 250 gal of water I have to put in the truck and bring out to the property every day, plus wash the kids and dishes too.... With the donated corn we are making about 120 tortilla a day...and eat all of them. Everyone must help in some way. The youngest pick up mangos and feed the horse, other care for the little ones, older help younger in school work, some wash, some cook, some clean. How do you get 9 boys on one 2 inch thick twin mattress and a hammock? The picture shows how. The heat is stifling, going to be 105 all week I hear. Yet even with all the heat, inconvenience, and hard work, the children voice over and over they prefer staying at the Lighthouse property rather stuck in the house in the city…Not getting much else accomplished; But having a time doing it.

Unworthy servant to a worthy Saviour,
Barry Ritchie


At April 21, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Blogger Susanna said...

You're all in our prayers...it brings a smile to my face just to see the smiles on the children's faces! Even though it may not be an easy time,Praise God for the older ones who help out so much! Tell Alba Jenny, Nancy,& Iris to keep up the good work! It brought a tear to my eyes to see how much Alba has grown up into a young lady. To see her there reading the kids stories, was a blessing! We'll be praying for Lisa, too. Lord-willing she'll be better soon! You'll be in our prayers too, as you're taking on such a big load, just to lighten up Lisa's duties. You're all a blessig to us, watching how you live out true real-kife faith. It's a daily necessity and you all sure "Live by Faith". Keep pressing on!

God bless you all,


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