Gone fishin...
I go a fishing...with the ongoing unrelenting spiritual battle continuing, a momentary unilateral cease fire was taken. Took the boys out to learn fishin at the ol fishin hole... till one got wet and it became the ol swimin hole. Caught nothing but memories.. hooks too big- pond too small, but they want to try again. I promised them a time like this once a month. Photos speak for themselves. Enrique took the photos, pretty good for the first time using a camera. It was a peaceful few hours, first time fishing in 20 yrs. The military guards this wildlife preserve but let us go fishing/swiming Amen. Looked at my phone, and miles from anywhere, in the middle of the swamp near the ocean...I had full signal. At the Lighthouse only a few miles from town ziltch.. So I interupted this time of tranquil peace to make a couple of needed phone calls (pragmatic multitask thinking)... only to run out of minutes talking to them... God takes care of the details.
Got conformation this morning, the local public high school has invited us to speak to the entire school... but in groups of 30 for an hour each for as many days as it takes. We will be with Brother Morales on this outreach. We are to also have a similar time just with the teachers as well. It will be in about 2 weeks. We will see what kind of door is opened unto us. Amen!
We had a surprise visit from Nancy yesterday, been several years. She wept numerous times remembering what she left and lost, regreting choices, she wept most when we told her we still love her, sadly it was not godly repentance. Maybe some day it will be. She is only 16 and has aborted 2 babies. She now lives in a very bad part of town with her mom and 5 others in a 10'X10' house with nothing. She ran to be "free" to only find she sold her self to a life of drugery and servitude. Jenny has taken a similar route and is now with her mom who works the same as Nancy's, also in a very dangerous part of the city. Both moms allow live in boyfriends/older men for any age young girls as long as a little money is thrown to them... It breaks my heart. It is many things but it is not freedom...
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