Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thorns in the flesh and pains of the heart

Our communication links have been poor since the rain has picked up. Power goes out frequently and if it goes out anywhere along the line near us we loose cell or internet even if our power is on. Our electric rates are high enough now that I almost enjoy it when we do loose power. My first thought is well at least were saving money... The well pump quit on us again this week, of course Sunday in the AM, so no showers for church. Thankfully it was a cheap fix and the safety cable caught the pump after the head broke, just labor intensive. I have found the easiest way to get Jr to do anything is not to ask him anymore... just ask his fiancé.
She controls his heart better than I can. But then she arrives to teach school an hour early so she can make him breakfast too... Uh, he was never fond of my cooking:) After dozens of well pump repairs over the years, he finally listened to pop and built a little jig to make pulling the 300 feet of pipe up a little easier. One of the men from the church also helped, Amen. The four newest children are blending in well. I enjoy watching them pray and begin to help in chores. They have warmed up to us and smile and laugh much more now, neither is there a worry about not eating. I asked Cristella what she liked about being here..."The food!" with a big smile. Lisa took them to several meetings with child services where the judge made things permanent. Still not sure of the whole story yet, but from the detailed glimpses we get, the situation was very bad. Omar has a big scar on his cheek. The children said it was where the dad bit him. In court, it was asked about also and the mother confirmed what the children had said. I dont know what to make of that??... Lisa took Patricia with her to court to help and when the child service worker saw how she was with the kids they too had her help. Lisa is slowly picking up the things needed for them. She got a bundle of clothes and a new sundress for Cristella which brought smiles. We will soon be finishing our first school "year" only to start another the same week. They complete 2 grade levels in one year on this program. It has been alot of extra work but I think it will be worth it. Jr was able to get the police chief to agree again to a movie and preaching time for the Choluteca Police department. So next Tuesday will be the first of two outreaches with them. Pray souls are saved and hearts moved to walk closer to God.

  Pastor Santos called needing help delivering a several thousand pound supply of food for the public school in the mountain. The WFP had donated some lunch food and could not get it to the mountain. So he volunteered me to do it.
It helps the mountain church's name in the community as well as most of the children in the church. Racing against the weather to get up the mountain and rain following us all the way up, just a few minutes behind. Arrived at the mountain top and rain caught us as we finished unloading and Pastor Santos slipped carring a 100 lb bag and twisted or broke his ankle. He will be out of work for at least 2 weeks or more. I have his daughter coming down today to share some of our food with the family and give him crutches and meds because he will not be able to provide anything for a week or two. He asked me to preach up there for him as well. On the way up we talked about many things. There was a young teen girl who was brutally raped and killed, then the body was dumped behind the church. No one in the community knows who she was so she might have been from the city and left up there. It only made it more vivid to me when talking to Pastor Santos Daughter, keep Julisia in prayer. We have helped and guided her over the years and even in difficult situations, she has kept a pure testamony much longer than most girls here. Pray she continues this walk and the LORD provides her with a Godly husband at the appointed time. As I sat in the market waiting, I had a ta-da moment, realizing so many moms walking with daughters who were dressed as.. well, the word "shark bait" would be self explanitory... and moms totaly oblivious to the responses  of guys around them. At the same time several men digging through a large pile of trash on the side of the street literally pushing the dogs away from the same food they were eating to lick plates thown out of by the venders. And a teen girl, the sister of Cesa a boy who we have helped over the years, selling hersef in the street for drugs... heartbreaking. What I saw before me and read in the news, one can only conclude the moral compass of the world no longer functions on any level.

  We were donated some fishing tackle and reels a while back, but no poles. Have not been able to find any here either, just nets. So the boys found some bamboo saplings and we set about to make a couple. Wired the reels to them, glued on some eye hooks and presto crooked fishing poles... Going to catch anything? Is that important? Even if it is only memories with the boys, it will be a good haul... Besides, not like I can keep up with them playing soccer and climbing trees... fishin is more my speed now days.
Alba's baby is due in a couple of weeks and Jenny is still missing. Please keep in prayer the spiritual battle we still are in the midst of. Satan attacks our weakness at every opportunity. Add to this, my mom passed away suddenly this past week. By God's mercy, I talked to her just the week before. It makes the wedding ring she gave Jr all the more precious. Accepting the call of the LORD, and the responsability placed before us on the mission field has been costly in so many ways most never consider. I have never seen or held any of my grandchildren, I do not know where my mom or dad are buried, was not with them for years or their dieing hours, never seen a daughters walk the aisle. Numerous relationships severed, and people close to us abandon or forget us. Health and numerous other Matt 8:19-22 and Matt 19:27-29 issues, in all it is a continual thorn in the flesh. But by God's amazing grace, He still squeezes glory out of this broken down, wore out and unworthy servant to a Worthy Saviour... Barry


At June 2, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Blogger Cindi Ashbeck said...

I'm so sorry about your mother. This is my first time reading your blog. But will not be the last! To be honest I think my mouth dropped open a few sentences into reading this. Thank you for sharing your heart here. You have not been forgotten. Please remember that.


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