Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Precious in the sight of the LORD

Psalms 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

Went to visit Omar again Monday, and saw the difference between those saved and those lost in this time of trial. I talked to Josiln, his oldest at home daughter, last week about how she is now in a position of spiritual leader in her home, and it is important to continue the path started by her father... As I entered in the hospital room it was a grim scene. Only he and his wife and younger children are christians, the many other family present are not. Omar could no longer talk but was still communicating by moving his head a little. I find out that he told Josiln a day after I did all the same things. I just smiled. Everyone thought I was going to pray but I asked Omar, "Has Joslin prayed with you yet?""Would you rather Josiln pray?" He reacted with a strong nod yes. She prayed a sweet prayer, not as one seeking a last minute miracle but as one steadfast in her faith convicted of the blessing to follow the grief. When she finished, others in the family heard it and the oldest daughter who was in rebellion knelt crying saying she was sorry and pleading for forgiveness... There was not a dry eye. I saw Maria the youngest standing outside the door almost forgotten and waved her in and she broke down and cried in Lisa's arms. The unsaved family had been arguing to do his funeral at a funeral place until they heard this and became convinced it should be at the church Omar helped build... There was a last straining attempt made to help him but it was futile. They sent him to Tegu in an ambulance hoping for better results only to be turned away at 2 hospitals already overloaded by the prison fire we just had. When they saw his medical records no Dr would accept him, and the ambulance brought him back. He almost did not survive the trip and his breathing is heavy and difficult, I did not think he would. So it is just a matter of when the LORD opens the door to depart...Omar is ready....Are you?

Joslin just told me Carlos had an impromtu church service last night with Omar and most of La Cruz Baptist showed up and sang many of his favoite hymns. Carlos preached sideways from the doorway so those inside and out could hear. Omar seems very pleased.
Returned wend evening.

Went by to drop off some more adult diapers and bed pads to Omars family. I can still remember joking with Omar when these came in a donation container acouple of years ago. Why would some one give these? Must be a reason...little did we know. Jenny and Patricia wanted to go with me to see Omar likely for the last time. He is no longer urinating and is swelling in the legs and arms. I prayed with him again and whispered to Jenny and Patricia. Do you want to sing something for him? It is the best gift you could give him right now. I asked Omar if he wanted a song and he nodded yes. So they sang a sweet song called perfect amor. They sing it around our house often. Just ever so softly they sang after a few moments to compose themselves. All the noise from the rest of the house went silent, tv and all. A few unsaved family members peeked in to see and Joslin Blanca, Maria and even Omar welted in tears.. Oh ya... me too. And the girls sang through the tears as well... Just beautiful. As we left I asked them. "Was Jesus pleased with that?" I got hugs instead of answers. I do not believe they will ever sing that song the same way again...

We have another private prayer request as well that needs prayer. I will share it with those that ask...Thank you.

update: Omar was called home to the LORD just before 9am this morning...


At February 23, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Blogger Robin said...

Dear Brother! Praying! God is good!!! Yes Precious is the death of saints!! Praise the LORD Omar is in no more pain and walking in the presence of the LORD!!!

At February 23, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Memories come to mind...Omar and his smiling family and a Bible in hand and a little battered truck...my own father breathing his last in a hospital bed...it comes home with me and my prayers and rejoicing are with you all.


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