The week is over and the group of friends from America have left but not without leaving behind treasure for heaven. Many putting their faith in Christ, many seeing clearly. It has been a month of blessing, work and trials. A new kia provided but rushing to get it ready to do the work of ministry required. A week of late night welding to build a rack and seating and trailer hitch to move the coming group around. Paint still drying when they arrive. Many situations in the background to attend to while group is fighting spiritual wickedness out front. Even with a visiting group providing a great blessing, the regular things still have to get done, counciling, fixing broken things, buying food and gas ect. But the treasure put in heaven by such tasks and outreach will take an eternity to comprehend. 300+ souls cried out to God this week, 1200+ saw more clearly and the work of followup begins. This group was packed with old friends, several pastors who I hold in High regard, A missionary to the middle east who has become a great friend over the past couple of years, and a few new ones. It was hard to fellowship with the flow of needs before us but it was squeezed in as we could. If you are a chuch looking to support a missionary to the middle east you could do no better than J.P. Day and family, they are and will be an effective voice for our Saviour where there is often no other. If you are a church looking to support and effective ministy of harvesting Souls, Truthfortoday Medical missions will put abundant treasure in heaven on your behalf. Thank you to the churches for sharing your pastors, you have truly cream of the crop men who love the LORD and love all those he died for... Thank you to all the ministering Saints who made this months blessing come forth. The container, New kia, medial outreach and support... Amen.
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