Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Monday, February 2, 2015

In need of miracles

Need prayer. We need several miracles. There is so much before us at this time I see no way but to share it with our ministering saints and plead with heavens provision. The needs are way beyond our capacity but need to get done.

1-As seen in posts below we have a major opportunity to reach into Nicuargua. A medical outreach group is coming, tickets and meds bought, and we are hoping to plant 1-2 churches out of it. Need funds to care for the group we are bringing to translate, preach and soulwinner. Care for a group of about 10 poor mountain preachers and bible students (Soul winners) and our kids as translatorsfor 10 days in a foreign country to help our Nic nat preacher/evangelist. Driving two old trucks down that need repairs first as well. Plus funds to prepare legal papers to begin a ministry there.
2- Our Lighthouse dorms need a roof. One side has been repaired dozens of times and now has cracks from peak to wall. Could run $3000. And will not know till we pull it off and see much can be salvaged. Needs to be done before rainy seasons hits (April). Was rough last rainy season, now it is worse
3-We need to start school but the rules have changed and we must hire a state approved cert Honduran  teacher(cost $400 a month). Plus buy all that is needed for the kids to start this month (Feb)
And many other issues just to keep the ministry running...

Baptised 3 this Sunday. One was the young man from a few posts back...Amen! The Last group that was here one of their kids found that Julie needed new glasses and took care of the need personally. They arranged it all before they left and Julie picked them up Friday. Happy clear sighted camper...AMen!


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