Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Monday, November 2, 2009

Give me oil in my lamp....

Though a post is overdue we have not faltered and sent out an email a few days ago. The past weeks have been trying to say the least. We had a cancer of thoughts and words sweep through the Lighthouse Children planted from those outside the ministry. (Grass is greener elsewhere, you need a boyfriend ect) As a result 2 girls ran away, an older convincing a younger to go with her. The following days of searching was fruitful and many prayers were heard, because the LORD returned Patricia to us. Nancy is still on the run and the authorities were considering charges against her mom from the things Patricia has said.

Church building project in La Cruz is continuing the floor is in a pulpit area is built with ramps for Carlos and doors and windows should be installed in a couple of weeks.

Power outages seem daily at the Lighthouse property and we even replace bad lines ect in the middle of the night to keep it going only to have something else blow later.

After weeks of stressful situations, I was talking on the phone to a old friend when I began to feel ill. I went to lay down and rest. The pain in my chest continued for about 30 minutes a little more intense and longer than I had experienced in the past after hard work. During that time the kids checked on me and got worried and snuck out my phone to call Carlos who panicked called Lisa and everyone rushed out to insist I see a doctor…at 10pm at night. I was then feeling better but relented and went. He did the preliminary checks and all was good then he asked had we had anything stressful happen lately? As we began to share all the situations we were dealing with, the doctor actually began to laugh and shake his head. One of those wow you got to be kidding disbelief kinda laughs. He did not do anything except say he would like to do a few more test to be sure and to reduce my stress level…hmm.
Everyday comes with is own rewards and hindrances. It is the LORD who sustains us and I am sure Job, Paul, Peter, Elisha, Noah, David ect all lived pretty stressful lives. Only to hear well done when they enter the pearly gates. I have nothing to complain about and only praise to give to my Saviour for using someone so unworthy. Burn till the last drop of oil is spent…It will be a needful attitude for all in the coming years I believe.
Keep us in prayer for we a buffeted on all sides, yet by the grace of the LORD we are unmoved…
Unworthy servant to a Worthy Saviour,


At November 3, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

So thankful Patricia is home!
Still praying for Nancy.
Mr Ritchie be sure to take care of yourself. We will add you to our prayers.
Blessings to all the Lighthouse children from Sarah in Missouri.

At November 7, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Blogger Susanna said...

You're all in our prayers. We're glad that Patricia is home, and will be praying for Nancy. You and your wife's health will be in our prayers too. Thanks for the update and the pictures!..Keep pressing toward the mark...
God bless!
Love, Susanna and the family


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