Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Sunday, August 8, 2010

All in a days work for the LORD

Had a great united service up in Lenaca Saturday with Pastor Santos. We stopped in Colonia and picked up almost 40 folks from the church there and brought them up to Lenaca. The folks in the outreach Pastor Santos is working, Pichote, also came. So 4 churches were represented. Good time of singing then Pastor Santos preached. After the LORD pricked my heart to have a service specifically for the teens. For an off the cuff instant in season or out message it ended up firing both barrels at the same time at them. With all that has happened in the last months I did not sugar coat anything. I pray it opened a few eyes and hearts to the LORD and a desire to yield to Him and not the world. I know they all left a little overwhelmed and a little shocked but they are without excuse for their actions now. Several said they had never heard anything like that before…But it was all Bible. Pastor Santos was pleased as I believe the LORD was too. We are currently working 7 church or missions outreach plants.

Carlos keeps proving why the LORD put him as pastor. The messages today were strong and taught much. Even our children noticed. As we left church tonight Sayder said “Papi that was strong preaching”…Amen! In between services today I took the kids to the creek/river near the Lighthouse. It was just right. Flowing well and clean from all the rain and the kids would float down jump out and run back up stream to jump in again. We also took the dog who we found likes the water near as much as the kids.

I also took Patricia to see her other grandmother this week, to see if she would sign papers making it easier to adopt her. She is dirt poor and lives in a shack. It is surrounded by water runoff and the baby that was there was covered in mosquito bites every square inch had at least one. Very dangerous considering the many cased of dengue we have here killing babies. Patricia had me copy the few photos I had of her deceased father and fix/modify them to make a presentation she could give her. Still not sure of the papers, but her aunt(14ys old) asked me privately 10x to please let her come live with us too. Patricia played with the camera that day taking some good random shots…mostly of herself…

Brother Marc Antonio has arranged for us to preach at the military base tomorrow evening. Normally a very closed door. Pray it goes well and this might become a great outreach.
unworthy servant to a Worthy Saviour,


At August 9, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Blogger bob said...

i am sorry to hear about your recent trials. i will continue to keep you, your family, and your ministry in my prayers.


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