Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Friday, August 6, 2010

God giveth the increase...

We have begun working in another location to form a church. The last Sunday of the month we will go into the mountain beyond El Triunfo to help establish a ministry. I almost want to call our outreach ministries the wayside ministries. Because they have all sprouted from seeds not planted on purpose but rather from seeds fallen by the wayside then nurtured.
1 Cor 3:7… neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
The man we will be working with is named Augusto Terres. He was a former pastor in another denomination who fell under conviction of the scriptures. A few years ago he was told to preach in a way contrary to the scriptures he was reading. He refused and it has cost him dearly. He was given a Baptist constitution from another like minded IB missionary near the capital. He studied it, taught it to his folks and the chose to become a IFB. By doing so they lost their building, help, his pay, his home ect. The other ministry came later and told him they would restore him as pastor and build a new building and classrooms and start a food program through them feeding the community. He and the few still with him refused choosing the truth of God’s word over riches…They now actually persecute him and are trying to keep him from preaching. He wants to do our bible institute and needs the umbrella of our mission corporation to remain legal on the mountain as a church. I will be taking La Cruz Baptist church up the mountain on the last Sunday this month to show him support and preach.

Not sure why the LORD has so many times placed me in a position of healing others even in churches on deputation in the USA. The men we have in place preaching and shepherding here are all older men, who have strong yet heartbreaking testimonies for the LORD. All have paid heavy prices for their walks with God. The timing of this is of the LORD, considering I just lost a man in whom I trusted in an agonizing way. He knows when to stop and rest, when to load more cargo, and when to water and encourage or whip this old warhorse to get the most work. I have often prayed asking that I would be totally spent when the LORD calls me home or sounds the trump. I want to leave nothing behind. Each day in Honduras brings me closer to realizing this prayer….
Lisa has had the best month spiritually, emotionally in more than a year. Even hurt and sick she has had more desire and strength, I have seen the wife I married starting to return after a long battle. Keep praying

Please keep Alba and Jenny in heartfelt deep prayer. I have a disturbing fear for them. and what is coming. The LORD has been waking me every day to pray at 3 am continuing till the children wake for school. I could use a few others in this, they truly need effectual fervent prayers of the righteous.

Our church lawsuit over property lines appears over with the Columbian man. It ended not with court battles but rather a friendly handshake in the church after a meeting with him Sunday after morning services. He has agreed to help the church with materials to help finish construction. Amen
Unworthy Servant to a Worthy Saviour,


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