Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Time of Questioning

Continue to keep us in prayer. It has been a rough few weeks spiritually. Seeing people near and dear to us, whom we have poured our heart out for, and sacrificed our lives and treasure into, trusted, walk away from the LORD as Demas did Paul. It’s like sand at the beach, you cant build a sand castle or dig a hole on the beach that lasts. The waves always wash the work away… Sin is like that in this present world.

On the way to the Lighthouse I saw a pickup in a ditch and stopped to help. The man swerved to miss an ox on a curve then went into a ditch and flipped. So it is a modern version of the ox in the ditch. We hooked up the winch and righted the truck to pull it out. And of course a bad wreck that someone walks away from with just scrapes and bruises, makes for a good witnessing opportunity. Toño handed out tracts to all the bystanders and we gave a bible to the driver. Pray the LORD takes it from there.

A weary and unworthy servant to a Worthy Saviour,


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