3-2 is still positive 1...
Been a while without a post. A lot has happened but not much “newsworthy”. Just been the daily struggles of existing here. Lisa finally made it back and is settling in. She did not make her scheduled flight in Miami, normally not a big deal for most, but we don’t role that way. Everything must be unusually complicated for us. We had ordered new debit cards while Lisa was stateside. We get our funds through atm withdrawals and credit card companies wont send cards directly to us here, so a perfect opportunity. When they are mailed from our home church it takes a couple of attempts to get them here. The CC companies often cancel them before arriving due to the long period not activated, ie 1-3 months in mail. The plan was Lisa would activate them just prior to coming here (which cancels old cards I have) and when I pick her up a few hour later presto we are all set again. When she missed her flight that left us with no access to funds, no money in wallet, no food in house(waiting for Lisa to make the preferred purchases) no money to pay mechanic fixing the kia, and no fuel in truck to even pick her up,… the following week. Ops. She ended up sending money by western union just so I could put fuel in the truck to get her at the airport. I took most of the children with me to the airport so Lisa got the big welcome home as she came out. Then rush directly to immigration and wait. Why? There was an issue with dates on her passport(correct) not matching the dates immigration stamped(not correct). Our immigration lawyer went on vacation the week(delayed) before Lisa got back so we had no one to explain the error. We also must come up with the funds to pay the lawyer before she will release the new visas to us. And we must now start the process all over for next year. Living in Honduras is akin to backpacking in Alaska and the kids with you are collecting lots of rocks and secretly storing them in the bottom of your backpack every night.
There are numerous birthdays around this time and all the children wanted to wait for mom to return to celebrate. Lisa is the bday expert. So belated and current birthdays are one of Lisa’s tasks next week. She brought back a few special toys she found stateside.
Jr installed the cell phone repeater Lisa brought. It helps a little but not near what we hoped. It seems to struggle finding a signal the same as our cell phones…but our phones read full bars of signal strength…to bad it’s a lie.
Unbeknownst to me, Jr got the little truck fixed for Lisa by selling some of his stuff.(no little task, it needed basically a rebuilt motor) So when the big kia was down being repaired, I got a surprise too. Now if he could only get the lawn mower working. Need a good riding lawnmower. Numerous long power outages, finally the electric came back on but the well water did not. Had to replace the pressure tank again after the switch did not shut off due to low voltage.
Tried to play one of our teaching videos in church Thursday only to have our video projector die. That is a tool we use often here for bible institute, evangelistic outreaches, and teaching videos in church ect. Need to find another one.
Other issues: a 40 foot container of food is stuck in customs for a month now, the storage and paperwork is in the $1000s, we may loose this one and it is greatly needed. It is not in my control this time.
Head lice is rampant, we delice, they go to school, and a few hours later they return with a head full again. And one of the girls came home with body lice too. Declogging toilets, sanitizing bathrooms ect
And a church emailed notifying us we were loosing support due to the economy. Wee…
Believe it or not things are going well and we are blessed in spite of the daily struggles. Three steps forward and two steps back… is still progress…Amen! And how was your week? (:
Brother Barry, You are all such a great blessing and encouragement to me(and many others, I'm sure) Keep pressing on! You will be in our prayers! God bless!
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