Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Sunday, August 28, 2011

When it rains....

Rain, no power, winds… and I am not talking about the east coast. It’s like that almost daily here right now. We have had so many children regularly attending church services since we started a few month ago, that I decided to start a special class. Jr Church, boy it brought back memories. I prepared a skit for our kids to perform with puppets and they did great to a packed house of more than 60 kids besides ours. Maybe it's something we can grow and minister in other churches and schools, amen! The rains began afterwards during the regular church service. Had over 100 folks in attendance even in the rain, another amen. Preaching went long in both classes so church was 4 hours long. The tent was sagging under the rain, then a strong wind gust lifted the tent and it ballooned like a parachute. Our boys all ran to the ropes to hold it down. Our folks must be getting used to it because they looked up a moment then back to the preacher and he never paused. I’ve been in church where people slip off their shoes for comfort reasons… But here, as the tent fills with running water our folks take off their shoes to keep them from being ruined in the water under their seats, and walk home barefoot with shoes under one arm and Bible under the other. Our little upstart outreach is beginning to grow spiritually into a church. We are about to start another year of the Bible institute as funds allow. We could really use a good risograph digital duplicator. We have one and worked it a lot until it broke a few years ago and we have not been able to get it running.

The boys were able to cut the tree off the roof from last week without roof damage, amen. Still need to repair the fence it took out. Our mower is also broke down and the grass is 2 feet high

Please keep us in prayer for finances. Need funds to purchase Lisa’s return flight to Honduras, many extra medical, and living expenses. There are also many on going needs, as well as upcoming ministry needs here that we are facing, electric change, new start school expenses, fix Kia, most of the kids need shoes, and many church projects, ect. Never seems to be enough to do what is set before us. Not only do the kids wear out shoes fast, (several boys have toes showing) the quality of things is at issue. I bought one of the girls much needed shoes this week. First day using them, it rains, and the soles fall off on the walk to school… Somehow the LORD gets us through thanks to soft hearts of His ministering saints. Thank You for every remembrance.
An unworthy servant to a Worthy Saviour,
Barry Ritchie


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