The Pictures Sew the Story Together
So much to share only pictures can tell the story. Please take the time to click on them to see larger views and pray. Folks already have a hard time digesting all that happens here and we don’t even share it all… Been a busy week. The pastor of the cult that I pulled out of the mud stopped by and gave our kids small Christmas presents to say thank you. An unexpected blessing. One child's box had an old Obama 08 tshirt (…um, um…uh, never mind) Been a much leaner year than in times past. We have run out of toys collected while on deputation. (Example; one lady gave us 10,000 ty baby type stuffed animals 8+ years ago) Those toys really augmented birthdays, Christmas and ministry outreaches these last 6 years, as well as deputation, vbs ministries prior. Those churches we visited on deputation doing vbs may remember benefiting from them. But alas the fount is dry, but not our Heavenly Father’s. A Honduran businessman called me to say, “take the kids to the shoe store and get them new shoes”. He had already arranged for it, Very timely and needful is the raven in the wilderness and unfathomable how the Holy Spirit works. After the photos Julie took a few post back of Ericson, Lisa knew my thought and made sure he got a truck, Wasn’t a tonka, it has a dent, but its is shiny new and has wheels, so he is happy running all over the driveway today. Lisa and some of the girls planned a Christmas dinner for some hurting families and handed out small gift bags to the children with a small toy, John and Romans, candy ect. We also did the same for Santa Teresa. Took up more cement for the church building up there. Truthfully we must take up cement. The Kia will not climb the steep grades without 4wd(very broken) unless it has at least 1000lbs in the tail (cement plus a few kids). Where there is a will...
Marc Antonio preached in the Lighthouse Baptist church and one teen made a profession of Christ on Christmas. What a gift. Then we all ate the great supper Lisa made. She has been saving stuff for over a month to do it. All from scratch for 100 folks, including very tasty desserts. It was another all night cooking session, not the feeding of the 5000, but it is a small miracle none the less. Lisa and I had our 28th wedding anniversary Christmas eve. We started a tradition 25 years ago of eating Chinese because it is the only place you can find open many times on Christmas eve, even here. She picked up some take out this year and we had a whole 15 minutes to our selves…ok maybe 12 minutes, but felt like 15 before a child knocked needing us. What did we do?… Talked about what else needs done … With a house like ours one seldom gets time not used for another. In the midst of all this do gram cracker candy houses with the kids. With all of the joys and treasure placed in heaven, who would want to live in a calm, clean, house and only guard the treasures of earth…??
Took several children to the dentist last week including our 4yr old who actually did the best and not a single tear. Why does a 4yr old have rotten teeth? A lollipop caregiver,(prior to us) candy is cheaper than food and keeps them quiet. Sayder just returned from the Dr, he is has a hot swollen knee, result of an infection from a tree bug that lives here. He is our tree climber. Dr says he might need surgery to relieve pressure in the joint if meds don’t work by Wednesday, they may hospitalize him as well, it is very serious. If meds don’t work he could loose his knee or even his life. Giving him injectable antibiotics and pain pills right now with 24/7 bed rest. Diagnosed as "arthritic septic celulitus", ie bad news.
Took several children to the dentist last week including our 4yr old who actually did the best and not a single tear. Why does a 4yr old have rotten teeth? A lollipop caregiver,(prior to us) candy is cheaper than food and keeps them quiet. Sayder just returned from the Dr, he is has a hot swollen knee, result of an infection from a tree bug that lives here. He is our tree climber. Dr says he might need surgery to relieve pressure in the joint if meds don’t work by Wednesday, they may hospitalize him as well, it is very serious. If meds don’t work he could loose his knee or even his life. Giving him injectable antibiotics and pain pills right now with 24/7 bed rest. Diagnosed as "arthritic septic celulitus", ie bad news.
Marc Antonio wanted to show me the property the church in San Geronimo wants to buy to build a church building. It is a little closer to town right, off the highway, has electric and water. They were kicked out of the last building after the owner chose to sell it and we could not come up with enough funds in time. They have been meeting at members home in the old tent La Cruz Baptist used to start. Its has sure gotten a lot of use in the last 6 years. Many trusting the LORD under this old frayed covering. We are negotiating with the owner for the land but it looks like it will cost $4000. If anyone wants to help this struggling, faithful, extremely poor, little church it, would sure be a great help and encouragment. As you see we stretch every prayer to the fullest….and always need more.
Unworthy servant to a worthy Saviour,
Barry Ritchie
Unworthy servant to a worthy Saviour,
Barry Ritchie
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