Praise and thanks for prayer
News to our praying ministering saints. Yeni is back after more than 3 weeks of heartache. The child services lawyers visited her and saw the conditions in which she was living. After some heavy discussion they took her and gave her a choice. She could go with us or to a state facility but she could not stay where she was, she chose us. After picking her up we stopped at a restaurant to use the bathroom and eat. Yeni ran up and hugged me in public and whispered in my ear…we need to get her little sister too. We then talked to the lawyers and they believe so too. Please pray the LORD works in her heart and spirit both are very lacking at the moment. So including the other 6 we agreed to take, in the coming weeks we will have 23 children living with us permanently. Need lots of prayer and help financially. We are also seeking to legalize papers on several children, like an adoption, which would open the door for them to visit churches with us in the USA for short periods of time. As usual the funds shrink and the needs grow…but God gets the glory for seeing it through.
In other news we are already gearing up for the Christmas shoeboxes. Paul Deem of Directline Ministry ( 740 667-6166) needs to know who is willing to participate this year and schedule pick ups or mailings or shipping info. Our goal is to combine the food drive with the shoeboxes and put them on the same container. Since neither shoeboxes or food take up an entire container… but both would. Then the funds for a second container will be completed early next year to send a mid year food shipment and or clothing. So churches willing to donate to the Children’s Lighthouse shelf stable food, along with shoeboxes would be great. Paul has a list on his site of normal needs and how to do the shoeboxes and I will also prepare one to post. Basically anything shelf stable, dried foods, beans rice ect, cans ect. We also need clothes and shoes desperately, but only new things can go with food or shoeboxes due to fumigation requirements. Lisa has several requests to pray about on the list as well. One church in Mo has already sent some food amen!!
Unworthy servant to a Worthy Saviour,
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