The church property is now ready for Jan 6th when the visiting church comes to help construct a worship house. Finished building a pila, it is a cement block storage for water that many Hondurans use for washing everything dishes, clothes, bodys, everything. It will hold about 500 gal but has to be filled by truck (unfortunately there are no trucks that come here so we will have to fill it ourselves). Plan is to use it for construction then finish it to use it for the church after. All that is left prior to visitors coming, is to compact and level for the floors. There is lots more to do just not pressing before they arrive. A few days after Christmas will allow time for floors. The kia is still not done, we did not have a vehicle the almost 2 weeks before christmas nor will we have it for the holidays. Block is done and put together, the head is left and still waiting on the injection pump as of this afternoon. Makes it very difficult. Not knowing a full price makes it harder. Saving all we can get hoping it is going to be enough.(no completed pricing here till it's done.) It is now a day before Christmas, and though the church construction looks great everything else kinda waned. Thankfully we had 2 ministering saints who brought things in their suitcases. Like black shoes and baseball equipment for the kids that we have been making good use of. Kids played baseball for several hours this week. Outside of that it is the first time I can remember we will have not done anything as a church, or as a family for Christmas. Just couldnt make it all work this time. The timing of the kia problems is the real culprit. Thankfully our kids dont mind belated things and we do have a container coming in Feb or so. It give a chance to focus on the real meanings. Thank you to our ministering Saints for a wonderful year, many saved and baptized, several churches built, and many treasures laid up in Heaven because of your faithfulness. Merry Christmas. Update Emergency run to Dr. Had to call the cell of a Dr to take Norma for stitches this morning. She was trying to catch her daughter Gabby(toddler) and bumped her head needing several stiches. Glad for cell phone of willing Drs and it only cost $25. No not a deductable, the actual cost of Dr, meds and stitches...on call on Christmas Eve. Kind of nice to live in our weird sort of Mayberry. Where the Dr, dentist, police, judge, all know you and have been to your home and you theirs... and still have milkmen, and icecream vendors on bicycles. They just all speak a little funnier than the original.
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