Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Some days are just longer...

Some days are much longer than others… This Sunday was busy. Anniversary, wedding, church, and bring folks down off the mountain to an all church attendance at the 5th anniversary of La Cruz. Got a message late last night, a family member in the new church at the Lighthouse has a bus and would let us use it if we paid for fuel, amen, but still expensive. Jr headed up to St Teresa early this morning in the kia to bring 15 or so church members down. Once he got there…50 got on. Ops. Even the police stopped him for being overloaded in Honduras…that’s a first! So I guess we found out that 45 in a 6 passenger p/u is ok, but 50 is too many. OK, I’m good with that. We loaded the bus with 3 churches and our kids and headed to LaCruz. They ended up with more than 220 people for the 5th anniversary of the church in Choluteca. La Cruz Baptist, Come Unto Me Baptist, Fountain of Life Baptist, New Jerusalem Baptist, Lighthouse Baptist, New Life Baptist, Jesus Christ the One True God Baptist were all represented there. They had to put the kids in a special class just to make room, and still chairs outside the doors, Amen! Preaching was good and of course good food came out after. Another Amen. Return to the Lighthouse late and had a brief meeting but canceled a full service because still needed to get 50 folks back up the mountain in the rain before dark with an iffy 4wd and rear end… Jr took to task and we rigged the 4wd to work (did not work in morning) and away they went. Past the same policeman. Jr made it up and back just in time for me to take most of the kids to the wedding.(the pony express traded horses and the rider kept going…we traded riders and keep the horse running, fueled up 2x and a bus once today) Still seeing folks wanting to get right in obedience to the Lord amen. There was going to be 2 weddings, but the second lawyer did not get all the paperwork done… lawyers and weddings like hotsauce on ice-cream, but it’s the way it is done here. The second couple have been together 36 years… and want a prenup agreement (oh my achin head) but they are finally going to get married…

Had an unusually tense rebellious moment with Jenny this morning over something silly and it ended up turning in to a hard but well learned lesson. No discipline, but during the conversation she actually plead for discipline instead. The Lord would not allow me to back down and gave the wisdom of Solomon for a few moments. You could see moment when the truth opened her eyes and she fell on me to hug me and tearfully plead forgiveness. It was great to be truthful, wish it was always that fruitful. After helping all day, this evening she came in with Patricia and played with the camera taking photos, then Jenny did something she has not done in years. She sat on my lap gave me a hug and said “Papi I want you to adopt me for real I want to be your real daughter”.…And before the hug was done in just a few moments her body went limp and she fell asleep in my arms… That spoke volumes to me… The first time she did that was when she came to me 5+ years ago and began to share her story of abuse, it was like popping a cork on an over pressured bottle, she vented it all and cried in pain and fell asleep in my arms. What a picture of how we should respond to our heavenly Father. I had her read Heb 12:5-9 this evening and got another big hug…amen, "wow papi this is true!" In all a really good day even in the rain…

Been without electric, phones, water since Thursday and all came back on today, Good thing, its hard to get upwind of the stink when its yourself. Plus, got word someone in the USA is going to try to seek support for us to buy food for the Children’s Lighthouse regularly…amen! And others are also sending food down... Thank You! It relieves a great burden.

Lisa is healing right now and got a second opportunity to see her parents; Just waiting on the results of the last test. The doctor who did the biopsy chose the biggest, deepest lump to test, and when he opened her up they chose to take the whole lump out. So she is very sore. She has many more in both sides so the test is critical to tell us what to do next… Always in need of prayer! Thank you all!


At June 27, 2011 at 6:51 AM, Blogger Robin said...

Tears rolling down my cheeks for dear Jenny!!! Praise the Lord for you brother. God can only work through a willing vessel!

Praying for your sweet wife!! God is good and will work his will!

Love you guys lots and pray daily!!!
Robin Reynolds
Bethel baptist
Kingston, nh


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