Lowliness of Mind...
The church on the mountain will be ready for a roof next week… The mom and her baby who we rushed off the mountain from that church last week are doing fine. The mom asked me for a copy of a photo because they have never taken a picture of family. It cost too much for them. They are as poor as you find on the mountain, living in a mud home with nothing in it but a hammock to sleep in. Even the clothes for the baby are borrowed. As I was leaving the mom was talking to the baby saying “say goodbye to grandpa Barry” humbling… Thanks to the LORD we have touched many lives here. But one must rely heavily on the Holy Spirit for guidance. I was sitting in a restaurant/bank parking lot a while back and two little boys were begging for food and money at the door. I had seen them many times before and talked to them. They learned this from parents who often were in the background somewhere watching, directing. My words were words of truth that if heeded would correct the situation but uncomfortable to hear. A lady exiting the restaurant heard me and gave me a face of scorn as she handed the boy the equivalent of 10 cents. She was self justified and cleared her conscience all the while condemning me for not helping the poor little boy…not knowing the 15 or so children I had with me were all under my care for everything, not just 10 cents worth of conscience comfort. All I could do is smile and say a small prayer. Our kids need clothes shoes bedding ect ect. Our bucket of provision has so many holes and leaks in it, even when someone does give a nice size donation it is gone the moment it clears the bank. Whether for food, lights, emergencies, medical or help ect… the needs far outweigh the supply. Our pastor up north is still stranded there without the funds to return. I am hoping to send him enough for tickets to return. Our ministering Saints have answered the LORD time and time again. I am so grateful they have a heart and an ear near to our Saviour to hear His desires. Our Son is getting married in 2 weeks. We have a group visiting from the states at that time as well as another group a couple of weeks later. Pray the LORD’s will is done and we accomplish all He has for us to do. VBS in another mountain is going well with lots of preaching teaching time and Marc Antonio’s wife not content with just one VBS opted to do a neighborhood bible time VBS around her house this week as well. Amen! I read a quote that seemed poignant. “Most Christians date the church and God because they don’t want the commitment” …. Telling sign of our society. What would the world really be like if all Christians just wanted to be like Christ?… I do believe things would be different. Try making Christmas about being more christlike this year… we would all well do with more of that… Less me and mine and more thine… Help a missionary or maybe pick a family in your church or area to surprise with a Christmas visit. Make a meal, give presents, witness in a self sacrificing way. If it hurts a bit to do it… you might be doing it right. If it doesn’t hurt or is easy to do…it’s not sacrifice. Make a difference in someone don’t just appease your conscience..
Phil 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus
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