Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Friday, October 8, 2010

Always in Need...but never lack.

Just a brief overview. I went yesterday to pick up papers at child services and was asked to take home Cindy the 11 year old sister of Aslyn Jose and Elmer. She has not completed the 1st grade. I am not an expert, nor has she been tested, but she exhibits many of the characteristics downs syndrome. Not severe but there none the less. We have become in need of a bilingual special education teacher. We now have multiple children in need of this type of help. Definitely need prayer the LORD opens a door. We do not have funds available for this endeavor but we have the need. Do not have funds to fix the well water pump yet, and the kids were out of school today, and the Kia had fuel. Great day to “do nothing”. Bonding time with the 5 new children who have never seen the ocean. And we found that Cindy knows her brothers and sisters but they have never lived together. So we loaded all 25 of us up in the 6 passenger Kia and went to the beach. (we now really need a bus). One great thing about Choluteca, doing nothing is relatively cheap. I lived a lot of places in the USA where doing nothing was always expensive. Toss in PPJ and water and drive off. Watching 22 children mostly 9-11yrs old, at the beach is a chore. Akin to keeping 22 cats in a small box with no lid. Had a great time but wore me out. As it turned out the bonding time was needed all around. We were alone as far as the eye could see up and down the beach, perfect weather perfect day. Then load them all up return to the Lighthouse unload Lisa to fix supper and head to the river near the house. Why? To play and rinse all the sand out of the kids and clothes that ruin the washer and clogged the drains…Shhh don’t tell the kids that they just thought I was being extra fun and nice…
The moma kia may be back on the road tomorrow. We welded the head journals and cam bearings then rebore the head and put in a used cam. Not a lot of faith in doing this. Not the way it would be done Stateside, but that’s the Honduran way. No one has money to fix things properly (nor money for right equipment) but they need to get it working so they find a way to do many things for nothing. Like rebuilding a $10 walmart fan with discarded extension cord wiring and bottle caps…

Laydi our new 14 year old has begun calling us mami and papi and giving hugs. She has settled in and begun to help as well. She too needs special education.

So now we have 22 children living with us and child services yesterday, mentioned the original 3 we agreed to take are about finished processing paperwork and the court recommended them to live with us. Weee. I honestly do not understand how we get through each month. I would drive an accountant crazy because the math does not work. We are always, always, always in need, but never lack. All I know is God provides through his ministering saints and angels unaware…

ps One more thing I wanted to share...Here is a photo showing a major problem in Honduras. It is a major problem in the USA too just not so obvious...


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