Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Friday, April 8, 2016


We distributed more joy bags from Direct Line ministry. Our lighthouse children packed them up took the kia and distributed them in a mission outreach from La Cruz Baptist. Their men are planting a new church and their youth are teaching the children. (not sure if we will get anymore state side stuff because our shipping cost have trippled due to customs in Honduras. )

We had a big surprise when a church called and offered to help with the roof for the classroom in St Teresa. Amen. Hoping it will be a dry place when Drs arrive in 2 months... big blessing. The church in Nicaragua also has their roof up. The preacher is planning big outreach in a few weeks. He still wants to go to Cuba for a month a street preach and evangelize... his military training was there as a young man and he has free access. Just waiting for the Lord to provide funds needed... not much really. Just more than we can swing alone. Amen

Monday, April 4, 2016

Mountain wedding

Mountain wedding yesterday. One of our bible students getting married in st Teresa church. Jenny and Julie helped out and loaned them items from Jenny's wedding. Many here do not marry for many reasons they just live together. Money is just one reason, so even if a couple is taught right has conviction marriage is often prohibitive. (That is the excuse, in reality every person does what they desire to do.) But getting a spirit sent desire is a wonderful thing to see in new Christians. Another fruit of salvation. Amen.
One trusted the Lord in San Geranimo yesterday as well.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Joy bags, marriage and bee stings...

Ended a long 5 week month, hard when there is only 3 weeks worth of funds to feed all the kids ect. But the raven came. It is humbling living by faith not sure from where God will send the provision. Our ministering saints have proven over and over their faithfulness. The raven last month came in the form of a college girl working her way through school and one of our own former Lighthouse children covering the balance at the checkout register. Amen and humbling. Thanks to our prompt and faithful, today I was able to pay the large 2month electric bill...amen.

Wilson asked to go out with the older boys and help cut trees... lasted 30 minuted before bees got him on the lip and ear... looked bad but the meds kicked in and was looking normal and feeling better in an hour.

Julie and Jenny are heading to the mountain to help in a wedding. They are reusing most of the stuff from Jenny's wedding. Went out this morning to distribute Joy bags from Directline ministry. But found many of our church kids in school... on Saturday ops.  Reschedule...

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