Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Friday morning during school classes one of our young preachers showed up to try and fix his motorcycle that has been stored in our bodega due to lack of funds. Lenin went down to help get it out. After an hour Eric was sent to our bodega to fetch Lenin back to class. Lenin and the preacher were across the street at a repair shop. There were 6 tractor trailers illegally parked on the highway blocking access and view in front of the Lighthouse property. (We have a standing rule our kids are not allowed off property without permission.) Eric went looking for Lenin. When he stuck his head out around the semi to check traffic a pickup truck hit him in the head. Three vehicles wide on a 2 lane road. He lay lifeless in the road. Lenin, preacher and driver picked his lifeless body up and took off to the hospital. By the time we figure it out and get to correct hospital 30+ min had passed. The driver told them he was poor and didn't have much. I saw first hand the difference in care. When I arrived I began to question what and why, and finally called the hospital owner. When they realized whose kid he was things changed. This saddens me, but also shows why pure socialized care is not as effective... we went from taking one or two 1970s era xrays at a cost of $25... to an mri scan. We went from cleaning and stitching a few surface wounds on hands and feet to checking for blood and swelling in the brain and fractures in the scull.  He has broken eye sockets, nose, and jaw and missing teeth. Was still unresponsive, they were preparing us for bad news and we rushed him by ambulance to the capital for dr specialists.
The following morning a full mri scan also showed damage to his hand and foot, but all facial fractures have bones aligned and not in need of reconstruction surgery. Just bed rest and wait for the body to do its thing. Sunday he was moved out of intensive care for recuperation after he was able to eat a few bites of soft food. He has a cast on his leg and arm still can't speak due to swelling in mouth, jaw, face ect. He screams in pain when moved but this too is a blessing. The LORD's mighty hand through the prayers of His saints. Many were praying...

......and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James

The LORD heard our ministering saints. After a full body ct scan they found a broken arm and foot, but now they are saying no surgery is needed for his face, and confirmed no bleeding in the brain. Just cast him and rest... Eric woke Saturday in a lot of pain, but not a single broken bone out of place. He is missing some teeth and will need dental work... a far cry from Friday seeing a lifeless boy in the highway. I have seen many die from lesser injuries.
In our time here in Honduras  I have seen first hand many times the power of God working through the prayers of His ministering saint... thank you Lord.
His healing will be long, and still needs much. And in reality not out of danger at all...it is only a couple of days after major head trauma. Much can still go wrong, but thankful for what has gone right. Please keep praying and following the Spirit's leading

Monday, January 9, 2017

Irons in the Fire

Irons in the fire... but need fuel for the fire.
Many things are already happening this year. Sunday we had our kids ministering in 3 churches. Jenny actually taught children in 3 different church ministry locations this week.
Lisa made up a craft coloring book for small gift bags with tracts, candy, crayons and a token gift. In her resourcefulness was able to make enough to give something to the kids in 7 of our churches. Alberto, Jenny and Japheth and all the gifts bags headed up the hour plus ride up the rough mountain road on a motorcycle( 3 people and supplies) to teach and distribute the coloring books gifts. And make it back to the Lighthouse to teach again. Julie is heading off for the University Tuesday of this week. She will leave a big hole to fill in many ways. She has shown herself faithful and the LORD is rewarding. To explain Julie's heart. See what she opts to do to help the day before leaving for college. She knows we have an inspection from the gov the day after she leaves.
Of her own will she just came in my office and got the cleaning supplies to clean all 10 toilets in our children's home. Then asks if she can go to help the city church in their VBS in the afternoon after the house is cleaned.... yeah a big hole to fill. She has been like one of David's mighty men to the family and ministry for a long time.
Last week she sat in the sun all week selling our great dane puppies. Why does a missionary sell great dane puppies? For money to send a national preacher to Cuba to witness to 2 Generals, street preach and prepare the way to distribute bibles to every Cuban soldier. Wanting to send 15,000 bibles and tracts, plant a church and maybe military ministry. 3000 bibles are beginning their move from the USA this week. Our Nicaraguan preacher now has the funds in hand to make the first trip.
Was talking to a well drilling ministry here and they are willing to drill maybe 3 wells for us in churches. The 1st one in April. Amen.
Still need more materials for the church construction on the border and deliver what we have... dont have enough vehicles running to be everywhere so has to wait till vbs is over... the old kia broke the rack n pinion and someone stole the battery. $1000 just in those 2 parts. Our preachers saw 4 trust the Lord in churches this Sunday. School is starting up soon and our bible institute students will be teaching again in public schools. And our Lighthouse school will begins soon as well. It has been 5 years on our current papers so now time to renew all our ministry and personal papers here. Always a great expense in time and money. Need prayer and provision on many fronts. Thank you for every remembrance.

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