Honduras Missions
Update Eric... The prayers of many ministering saints have moved a mountain. The healing of Eric has been nothing short of a miracle.
His mind and memory have returned, his bones are almost healed. His eyesight not affected, and though still on crutches he is in school now and doing well. A few weeks ago we were not sure he would make it. Then no one was sure he would ever recover mentally. Now we nearly have our Eric back. Amen and thank you for every utterance to our LORD Jesus Christ, they have been answered. Eric wanted to write a thank you to all who were praying for him.
Cuba project... The first 3000 bibles arrived Monday. Tuesday our preacher from Nicaragua arrived so we could get them across the border. In Nic they will be taken to a plane that will fly them to Cuba. We sent 3000 Bibles, 4000 J/R, 50,000 tracts, a bible institute course for 6 students, 110 children's shoebox/giftbags, our old faithful bouncehouse, and our preacher. All should be in Cuba next week.
Our preacher will stay in Cuba 3-4 month with a former teacher who is asking to be discipled along with his family. He will distribute bibles to Cuban soldiers, street preach and attempt to plant a church. A tall order. When he returns we hope to have 12,000 more bibles here to fly in. Enough for every soldier when he returns.
The Bible institute freshman classes began this month in St. Teresa. Former graduates are now teaching the institute classes. They are also pastoring in churches and teaching full time credited bible classes and English classes in public schools here.
Church and building projects... The first baptist church plant in Nicaragua now has a roof and electric.
The Honduran church near the border has the foundation in and blocks to build the walls.
The lighthouse shop/class building has walls up and a roof. Still need floor, gates and electric.
Lisa and I will be visiting the USA for a few days for a supporting church's missions conference. Got my arm twisted just right. It is my first time back in a decade. Jenny and Alberto will hold the fort while we are away. Hard to get away for various reason. One example, Thursday we had a surprise gov. inspection of the Children's Lighthouse. Eight Lawyers, drs, inspectors ect. Wee, never fun. But if we were not here it could go bad quickly. We are trying to make the most of it and see a few supporters as we can. Need prayer and provision to make it happen.