Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Been putting off maintenance of the kia truck(something very contrary to an old mechanic) beca
use other priorities kept pushing to the front of the line. Never enough for all that is before us. That plus our extreemly bad roads has now made this a problem. While in town yesterday it started thumping and growling. Stopped and checked it over and price parts. Needs front end parts, bushings, bearings and tires a little over $1000 in parts + tires to put it back in safe service. It is needful to ministry runs hours every day and it is crippling when down. Praying the LORD provides a way.


This is a big wow to me. Our Bible institute student's and teacher's ministry. They go and teach full time bible classes in several public schools in the mountains of Honduras(in green shirts in photos). They sacrifice and do this free and full time all day, 5 days a week. The photos are them handing out bibles and using them in classes. The Bibles that were donated and sent to us. Through Directline Ministries.. They have led a large portion of them all to Christ. And school teachers too...
 We could use more prayer and help to do more... look at the photos and let the praise out and shout amen!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Prayer needed..

Update Pastor Carlos, Luz and Cindy several years ago. Carlos passed Nov 17TH, 2017. today. He no longer needs a wheelchair and is laying crowns of glory at the feet of Jesus.

 I am here at the hospital where Carlos is. He is not doing well at all. He had a second heart attack episode. The Drs are telling the family to prepare for the worse, and they want to transfer him to Tegu, but they don't think he can survive the trip. Family is worried. Needs prayer... lots. Carlos has been with us almost since the beginning of our ministry here in Honduras. He was my translator that became the pastor of La Cruz Baptist Church. We have served together for over a decade. He really needs prayer... And help

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