Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

1st qtr Prayer Letter 2018

Saturday, March 24, 2018

House calls on mt tops...uttermost parts

AMEN DAY. House calls on mountain tops.... We saved the hardest for last day of a week of hard soulwinning with our medical team that is visiting. A small field but white unto harvest. Was well ripened fruit on the mountain top. 3 hour very rough ride up.
We got a late start because the old kia lost the clutch and was delayed an hour. And opted to split the team and use the new motocarga and see if it would make it.(it did). But the newer kia lost the trailer on the rough trail so yet another delay. Finally arrived and find the building we were to use under construction.
Ask around and one man who was present a few weeks ago when I preached up there let us use his small home...on the other side of the riverbed and 100yards up the mountain... and haul all the medical and gear across and up. We saw over 200 souls trust the LORD just in this village... even with a late arrival due to loosing the trailer on the rough road. The Drs managed to see what seemed to be every needy villager for meds and glasses...  house calls even. Two of them so sick they will likely not finish the month yet pleading for Christ. An older deaf mute man got glasses and just lit up. He could see clearly for the first time. Pastor Augusto worked a long while with him with hands and pictures ect. In the end he too prayed for salvation. Some of those in the village made food for our soul winners and asked if they would build a church and they would give land available for it. Truly tree hanging well ripened fruit...  The soul winning was done in the dried riverbed under the only shade... very "John the Baptist" like. Beautiful to watch...
Pray for more capacity and labourers... this kind of ministry is fruitful but taxing. It needs youthful legs and hearts, funds to cover the greater expense in logistics and maintance. Tires bust, rims bend, rear ends break, backs hurt... But it is well worth it reaching the vine ripened fruit in the uttermost parts... The fields are still white in the uttermost parts... but the labourers are few... and funds even less.
We saw many hundreds (700+) put their faith in Christ this week. Much work left to do to follow up. Was a great team. Thank you Truth for today for coming and the Americans who sacrificed to come. And thank you to our own Hondurans who also laboured hard and sacrificed to harvest the field this week... all are very very tired. But joyful and content..

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