Preaching in Honduras...
We have had a good time with Bible Baptist men and Pastor Green here. He has preached an impromptu service on the mountain then delivered corn for the needy, blind and widows. A door was opened unto us and we preached to around 1000 kids in 2 schools with many professions of faith made. The directors and teachers asked us to return. Tonight is the 1st graduation service for our Bible Institute. Pastor Green’s church was instrumental in helping us acquire the curriculum on dvd we use… 25 students received certificates. Because of weather, curfews sched, ect change not all the students could make it. but there was a good showing from 3 churches, and it was a blessing all around.
The airports are suppose to be open for Monday so the group can return to the states.
Click on the photos to enlarge them and look at all the children…..Amen!
The airports are suppose to be open for Monday so the group can return to the states.
Click on the photos to enlarge them and look at all the children…..Amen!