Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Friday, September 25, 2009

Preaching in Honduras...

We have had a good time with Bible Baptist men and Pastor Green here. He has preached an impromptu service on the mountain then delivered corn for the needy, blind and widows. A door was opened unto us and we preached to around 1000 kids in 2 schools with many professions of faith made. The directors and teachers asked us to return. Tonight is the 1st graduation service for our Bible Institute. Pastor Green’s church was instrumental in helping us acquire the curriculum on dvd we use… 25 students received certificates. Because of weather, curfews sched, ect change not all the students could make it. but there was a good showing from 3 churches, and it was a blessing all around.

The airports are suppose to be open for Monday so the group can return to the states.
Click on the photos to enlarge them and look at all the children…..Amen!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not in harms way..

Just a brief email to let folks know we are not in harms way in nearest volley of political mess we have in Honduras. Though all the airports are shut down...THe deposed former president somehow got back into the country and is held up in the Brazilian embassy surrounded by Honuran militay. They cut all services and revoked brazialian diplomatic statious. We are under 24 marshal law which hinders movment getting food ect but does not make it impossible. We have some members from Bible Baptist down here with Pastor Green right now getting a full experance of life on the mission field. They were diggin a retaing wall foundating for the church then the kids in the Lighhouse made them lunch of rice and beans Hope to have picks in a few days. Tomm we are hoping to preach in a public school and do our Bible Institute graduation tomm night. Sorry it is short but uploading it from a cell link. Keep us all in prayer, Carlos came down with influenza and Lisa is still having good and bad days...more bad than good but shiffting to the better. A container of food is due to arrive next week pray it comes without issues...

Unworthy servant to a worthy Saviour
Barry Ritchie

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The LORD is in the Details

It was not by plan that La Cruz Baptist Church had their first service in the yet unfinished building on the Dia de Niño (Day of the Children) National holiday. But it worked out great. Carlos preached "Suffer the little children to come unto me." Five adults came forward to make a change in their lives and one for salvation. Many other adults came to the front to bathe in prayer those who came forward, and dedicate the building to the LORD. Just at that time the light began to shine through making it a poignant moment. 100 degrees outside, only now under roof with light passing through from above and a gentle breeze crossing. Some restless children playing and laughing just outside the doors; Several babes being calmed by nursing mothers; all the while a group of God’s “children” are praying and lifting His name inside… AMEN! The verse from Mat 21:16 “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise” was rolling through my mind. Those that have known us for a long time would see the LORD’s hand in having the first church’s building opened on “The day of the children”.
The Ladies Ministry handled the food of the day, Hotdogs covered in coleslaw, feeding the near 130 in attendance. The teen girls ministry handled the gifts and piñata. They made up gift baskets from paper and plastic coke bottles for each child and a piñata to break to fill them. It was also Julie’s and Cindy’s Birthday today. In all it was a great service… not having to drag out the tents and put them up. We still need to put in a floor, doors, windows, electric, fans, ect and no funds to finish, but at least its under roof and seeing folks saved… Hmm

That is the way I want to be when the trumpet sounds, totally broke and physically spent, having used all for the LORD… amen! Even so LORD....

Lisa is still on the mend and had a good day yesterday up and about. Keep praying it's the fuel for a spiritual fire…Amen!

Unworthy Servant to a Worthy Saviour

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Giving Lisa Some Sugar

We’re still moving forward on the church here in Choluteca. The men started putting up roof panels today in hopes for a Wednesday service in the building instead of in our carport. It has been a blessing to watch the church building come together. Still lacking much to make it functional, but under a solid roof is a vast improvement over the tent of the last 3 years.

Other news and requests. A 40’container of food is about to ship from Directline Ministries. They also send us a Christmas container with shoeboxes for the impoverished children. Pray we have less issues to deal with this time. In the past we have had a lot stolen or taxed with invented fees or outright extortion to the point you want to just quit doing it…. Till you see the faces of those it goes to and suffer through it yet again.

Two church groups are to visit in the next 40 days. The first will be a part of the institute graduation the second will help on the Lighthouse property or church.

Toño fell off the back retention wall (Playing where not allowed) and we thought he might have broke his arm. After a trip to the doctor he only needed stitches…

Lisa Update. She is resting as ordered and under meds and finally doing a little better. She went out to lock the gate the other night and a drunk man stabbed her with a wire. Thankfully it only went in 2 inches and did not hit any organs. But it meant another night in the hospital being checked out and given IVs ect. She is finally getting over an illness that caused vomiting which opened her incision yet again.
During all this I saw a rare sight here, a white baby Chihuahua, and thought that would cheer up Lisa a lot more than teddy bear. I was right. She named it Sugar… So now she says I gave her some sugar for a get well present….hmmm Amen?

Unworthy Servant to a Worthy Saviour,

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