Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Joy Bags

Lisa took the school class out to deliver Joy bags from Directline ministries. They visited some of the homes near us. Homes made of seed bags and garbage bags held on with soda pop lids as washers. John and Romans and tracts were also given out in abundance. It does not take a rocket scientist to see one of the real reasons there is a border problem. People need the Lord everywhere... The pics are a little higher res than normal as of late. click on them to see clear larger images. Thank you for every rememberance and utterance in prayer...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Kia mods

Just some of the kia mods...and why..
After 8 years of hard labor and many repairs, the old truck has been demoted to the work truck rather than the daily driver. Mods
So far
1-Tinting free
2-MP3 stereo free
3- Diamond plate bed and sides
4 Build a rack from sch 40 pipe bent to desired shapes with folding bench seats that raise and double as side for security. Rear door\rack extends out the back as a bench for a few extra pass. paint all with an equipment brushed alum color
5-Add a removeable safari top to rack that also raises for standing pass. along with velcroable side curtians.
6-Put a 1\8"washer under the bump stops and just slightly raised the torque arms a half turn each and realigned dur to added weight ect.
7-Custom built step bumper and frame mount reciever hitch

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Thief Chasing

Outreach on the mountain last night. Our evangelist preached till 8pm and several young folks trusted the LORD. Then a gospel movie till 10pm home 11:30pm.(no electric up there so all power is from kia or Generator) Our preacher has been there all week visiting and helping the pastor stengthen a work that had been sifted. It has been nothing but good reports. On a unction, outside the door of the church, I began talking with and counciling a teen girl. She was in rebellion with her folks and God. She learned what was true salvation. And in tears she reconciled and prayed with her parents. Her dad was overwhelmed in tears as they hugged....hmm
On the way home coming off the mountain overlooking the city lights, the kids with me were excited to see the shooting stars. Get home only to find power had just came back on(we had all the back up lighting up preaching), dinner ready and Lisa and the kids had been chasing off theives all evening....( 9years in and it is still the same as the first week here, Soul winning and thief chasing..often they are the same job :)

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