Still warm weather here..but then it is always warm weather here. One of the christian block masons who has helped us for 9 years here was working in our area across the highway. He was hired to build a room for a family for their grandfather to live in. He needed help so I asked if he would work our boys. School is now out here for our "summer". Lenin and Enrique were glad to help. They have been digging and laying foundations, and mixing cement all week as a different kind of "schooling". Learning a trade, learning how to work under a boss, learning responsibility. Nice to watch. On other fronts we are eating our sheep and our rabbits had babies. Kids are excited. Also took the kids to the river to cool off a bit, always fun.
We had a major supporter drop us for reasons not in their control.(loss of work) Their sacrifice was a large percentage of our support. Need prayer about it. But as the LORD has done so many times our ministering saints came through for this month and covered the deficit. Amen, a raven in the wilderness. We have seen Ravens happen every month for 9 years. Our support circle is a small and very sacrificial group of ministering saints.
Pray the LORD opens new doors and hearts to continue to cover and provide what is needed every month. Add to that our new fridge died, our drier died, tring to resurrect them as we can...But need extra funds...and I cannot remember ever having extra funds in Honduras, it is all needed and none is ever extra.. :) Thank you for allowing the LORD's work to continue here in Honduras.