Kia ambulance. Got a call earlier in the week from one of our mountain pastors. He needed help with a young girl who was having delivery problems. Her baby was breached they got her to the hospital and did an emergency c sec. To my surprise and against my advice they wanted to go back up the mountain just a couple of days later. Loaded up her family and her a made the slow ride up. Some men met us where the kia could go no further. The had a hammock strung up on a pole to carry her the last mile. Baby and mom are ok. Baby's name..Elijah Moses. We destroyed a third new tire this month. I think I need to fix the old kia and use it more for these runs. It is modified with the big heavy tires. The road still ruins them too...just not every trip.. Lenin was with me and changed his first tire. Only had to help him with 2 tight lugnuts. Amen. Earthly costs $200...Treasure stored in heaven? Priceless.