Rain on the just and the unjust...
Winding down our month long Children's day. Alberto took Julie and Lenin to our mountain church for the event. Jenny and baby were not up for the ride. As it turns out that was a good thing because I sent them 4 hours early by mistake... without enough money for drinks or food... my bad. But they were troopers and found a way. Julie and Alberto sang, Alberto preached, Lenin set up and ran equipment, Julie kept order. Worked out well. Near 200 kids arrived. More than 2000 kids have had candy rain down and were under preaching this month. Amen. The greatest blessing for me has been our Lighthouse family, ie our kids, did most of it solo. Amen. Went to our city church for pulpit fill. Was a good service. Then pick up a few folks on way back for church at Lighthouse right afterwards. Busy day but a good day. Good service at the Lighthouse as well. The institute grads have been reaching out to some hardened gang members. For a few months they have invited them to sleep in their home and church and they stay with them and "talk". They also take the half dozen out on outings away from other influences to "talk" and influence their thoughts. To show them there is another way. Are you secure enough in Christ to invite latino gang members over for a sleep over with your family to win souls? Minor led one of the most hardened to the Lord about 2 months ago. And he has been in every service since. They had 2 other members with them one night and Minor was witnessing, but thought he had pushed as hard as he dared and backed off. To his surprise his new convert stepped in and preached hard at his old gang friends... and led not one but both to the Lord. Minor was open jawed in silence. Keep in mind these are latino gang members. Some of the most murderous, thieving, drug influenced souls you can meet. But the LORD is greater and died for them too. Amen. Minor was asking me if I had any extra 25 dollar mattresses so they could invite more of them. They need 6 to 8 so they can sleep in the church building at night... anyone want to buy a bed or two for a gang outreach ministry? What is the price of a soul?