Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Preaching on the mountain top

Saturday Jr was given another opportunity to preach in Los Tererros with Pastor Enemesio. Afterwards they handed out the last of our Christmas Shoeboxes to a very thankful group of children. Lourdes and her mom helped Jr and Enemesio distribute to many children. We also gave some special baby boxes to the young girls with babies (under 14) that Lourdes’ family accepted into their home, similar to our Lighthouse children. To get a perspective imagine a typical American church family accepting some of the problematic church bus kids into their home to care for…I am humbled in so many ways here.
Brother Marc Antonio preached with Carlos in San Geronimo and saw 2 adults trust the LORD Saturday as well. It was exciting for Marc Antonio because the folks had been faithful to services for a long time and he had been praying for them to get their eyes opened. Saturday was their day of salvation, Amen. Special service for revival start this Saturday in Santa Teresa. Carlos will be preaching For Pastor Augusto and they asked me to baptize Sunday as well…amen! Might be sleeping on the mountain…
Had some men visit from a ministry that drills water wells. It was short and I am not sure what to think. To be encouraged they are considering us or that they think our area might be too hard to drill…So we could definitely use prayer, we really need clean water.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Jr preached his first church service in Colonia Trapechee this week. One reconciliation was made. Amen. Lisa also had them take up some clothes and some new flip-flops we could not use. Clothing and the like is always a help. We have been offered a block house in the project to preach in and to purchase for the church. We would like to, but coming up with the $3000 is the issue. Sure would be nice come rainy season to have a permanent place to preach in… Maybe one of the preacher that visited and stood under the tree in the rain over the past few years might consider it… Never know how the Holy Spirit will work. Once Enemesio and other pastors heard Jr preached, they too asked him. So Saturday he will preach 2x with Enemesio before handing out the shoeboxes in different locations Enemesio is planting works. Amen! Enemasio shared today he drove the “rebuilt” motorcycle 600km round trip into Nicaragua to visit and preach for an old friend. Yikes. On the way to town today the brakes gave out on the kia as I was entering a packed school zone. Wee. So instead of doing what I came to town for it is being worked on. Never dull even when I try to make it so.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

...find so doing

Been a busy few weeks, delivering shoeboxes to literally thousands of children. Plus, trying to get our kids ready for school at the same time. No time for sickness but sometimes you are forced to make time…. I went down with a 106 fever yesterday, after meds, the fever broke, but today I feel like someone beat me for 12 hours with a hockey stick… But that’s an improvement amen! Lisa just took all the kids shopping with her. It is always a sight when we do that. The first day of school was yesterday for the younger grades and Lisa lined them up for a photo. Our older children started last week, so they are all in school. Some in the mornings some in the evenings, some in the city some across the street. Living by faith is always best, but it can be nerve-racking. I jokingly tell people it’s like jumping out of a plane without a parachute… The first time is the hardest but it gets easier thereafter. Three weeks ago I did not know how we would get them all in school with all the bills… Yesterday they all went. Skillfully cutting corners where we could. Lisa altered uniforms, others made at a bargain price, just enough unscheduled funds came in to buy what was needed, normally only a day before a purchase must be made, sometimes the same day. Head out to the store knowing there was no money in the bank last evening, check the atm and presto…buy what’s needed. Most folks want more tangible security than what we live with… but so did the 11 other disciples who did not walk on water. I can study, pray, preach and teach but nothing draws me as close as obedience and living by faith. If the LORD tells you to get out of the boat (or plane) you might well do it. For only then can you truly get close to the Saviour. The price will be much higher if you do not. Went to Lenaca and Santa Teresa to give out shoeboxes, saw several adult decisions for the LORD made. Pastor Augusto chose to distribute them as I would want to do. Using them to get into homes not normally open to him and witness. Amen! Click on the photos and enlarge them and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a little insight of what we see… then pray.
This is a link to 32 raw photos used to do the post with for those who care to see more. Takes a while to upload but if folks like it I will try and do it more often..
Blog Photos Raw

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