Been a busy few weeks. Kia down rebuilding motor again. Needed cylinders, pistons, rings, crank turned, bearings, clutch, water pump, lots of machine shop work, straightening block and head and reworking the injection pump, injectors, ect. But it is back on the road and our bank is empty. Still needs tires. Also trying to finish our multi-functional multi-duty little building. It will be a classroom for kinder, Sunday school class, regular school and indoor playground as well as being a bunkhouse for visitors. It started out as a simple roofed sandbox playground for toddlers and morphed into a building. Pondering at each step, "Well if I just do this for $100 more I can also use it for that too." After a few of those, poof it is a building. And while doing that, for good measure, what does one do with an old Kia one ton rear end? Make a merry go round... The kids kept wanting to go to a city park in town to ride one, but we always encountered someone we were suppose to be keeping the kids from while there. Wilmer often would not even get out of the car there because he was afraid of who might see him.(it is one of the places he was abused at). So I thought, I could build one, then there is no need to go there. Amen. When the cement hardens we will have our own.
Pastor Enemesio was finally able to build a pulpit for the church in Colonia Trapeche. If you remember a year or so ago we cut down a hardwood tree on our Lighthouse property and finally got it dry enough to use. I had a mill cut it into planks and now he can build a few more.
Have visitors coming next week. One of our pastors called with a praise of sorts. One of the men who had venomously opposed him over the years was now in the hospital dying of cancer. The man called for the pastor to come and talk in the capital (4 hour travel time). When he arrived he had a hard time getting into the hospital for several hours because of a shooting and police had it on lock down. When he finally entered the man was repentant and ended up putting his trust in the LORD to the joy of his wife. If the LORD gives him enough strength, he wants to be baptized and gave the blessing for his family to go to church. Something he never would allow before. He went in to be operated on and all they did was close him back up because everything was cancerous. The Spirit of the LORD works in the heart of every man and will not limit what He must do to bring us to a saving grace. That is why those that chose to go to hell are without excuse.