Hyssop...and living by faith
Weee...Only 28 days but been along expensive month...The latest washing machine has died. Too many hardships.. ie working constantly... when we have electric that is. Power spikes, outages, hard unending labor have had their toll in less than a year. Pump motor and spin motor toast and sensors bad. hmm... Electronic things have a difficult time here....so does money...Going to see about parts maybe after the first, depends on what the LORD allows. But might be less to buy another one...Washing by hand in a house like ours weee... Did it for over a year a while back. Still trying to fix the roof too.. Already replaced many broken roof panels but still need to do many more. Ran out of money. Most crumble in half when we pick them up to inspect. Had one of our men wanting to go to the main public hospital in the capital to preach and hand out tracts over the weekend. TV news will be there too.. He came by for help and tracts. I gave him hundreds of J/R and thousands of tracts, even let him borrow my only camera, but felt ashamed I could not go or even muster $5 bus far for him to go with at the moment. Been a long hard month... I let him use my phone to call one of his old friends who gave him bus fare...