Red Handed
We have a young couple, Adam and Sarah Nelson here to help us get our school off the ground. Sarah has worked in Honduras previously, teaching with the same program. Adam is along for the ride to find what the LORD wants and help in anything he can . So like everything else in Honduras you learn on the job out of necessity. We will keep him busy. Sunday Carlos insisted we go to La Cruz for church. It was not hard to deduct they were wanting to celebrate a belated birthday for me. And since they had activities planned (they still remember I am sometimes long winded) they did not let me

The government school program director said we needed 20 students to start. Which meant we needed to open it to the church. They responded overwhelmingly and we have more than we can handle. We need to purchase all the books ect to start.... In a week. The cost is going to be about $600 for the materials we need from the state. I have Adam copying all the cd and dvd for both the regular school and the Bible institute curriculums and preparing them for use... about 300 disks to burn. Add Adam and Sarah to your prayers. They quit their jobs and have come here of their own personal funding and want to stay as long as possible. We are hoping they will stay at least 6 months if not more. But since they have no income that seems like a long time. Pray the LORD provides a way to provide for them so they stay longer, we need the extra help. We prayed for laborers and got them, now we need to find a way to keep them.
Pastor Augusto is also starting up our Bible Institute program in the mountain. He has a small handfull of students he wants to train and have them preach every day of the week in homes inviting all to the Sunday services in the church. Amen!
Been a busy time getting ready. Had numerous people working today some volunteering some requiring pay with no idea how to pay them. But the LORD does. And the work is needful. One crew doing the bathroom, one doing electrical wiring, one group preparing school curriculums and students, one cooking and watching kids, one laying cement and had to send the kia to be fixed.... Broke the lug nuts off hitting a pot hole and needed tie rods. Our AC died in the house so nights are very hot and hard to sleep till repaired... yuck. Wanted to add color to the bathrooms so we added a little food coloring to the tile grout a little red to the girls(pink) and a little blue for the boys and presto. Always a way to get things done in Honduras just need a little inspiration... A lot of it comes through the kids... Papi we need to paint between the tiles or the walls to make them different...hmm How can I change the color...ahh Lisa has food coloring for cakes. Neat thing about the bottles, every kids who touches them without permission... gets caught because the dye doesn't wash off caught red handed literally.. ops.