Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Thursday, August 22, 2013

We'll work till Jesus comes...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The price of blessings are not what they seem

Why do all blessing always seem to come at a price?... We have Drs coming tomorrow for a medical outreach, amen!. Had a man drive by with a backhoe this morning and I stopped him and asked about leveling a site for an outreach and to build a future church. He was heading out to another job right next to there. He looked at it and gave me a price of $100, Amen! A steal for 5 hours on a new cat backhoe. Been looking for a way to do this for a year. As I was sitting watching all the activity, like the men hauling cement up the road on a old wood cart, kids in the trees watching the backhoe and a crowd gathering to watch and filling the kia with fill material for the Lighthouse... one of the local kids said "hey mister your leaking alot of oil"...Sure enough the kia started dumping oil out of the motor and we need it for 7am tomm... Put oil in it and get it home but arrive to no electric in the house. Never is easy. Jr is pulling it apart now. ...It is now 2 hours later 10pm he is done. Hopefully it will work. But in the same time frame the internet would not load this post or this attached picture...still trying. Ok loaded up the computer and take it to town for a better signal...still bad, hmm, After several months gathering parts to make the playground helicopter it is finally up and working. Lisa brought the swing seats and the kids and Jr tested it out. It is now kid approved... bee

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Angel Gabriel

The authorities have been calling and calling begging us to take in another baby. Lisa went to town today to see what's up and came home with another baby. A 10m old, very malnurished 10lb boy named Angel Gabriel. He cannot hold up his head, can't move his arms or legs with purpose, can barely suck on a bottle and when he cries or laughs, no sounds can be heard due to weakness from severe malnutricion. He is also very sick. Child services, the family court judge and the public hospital felt he had the best chance with us. Need to start blood work check for aids, hepatitus and infections, etc. Lourdes and Jr. have opted to care for him for now because he will need intense one on one care for a while, under Lisa's eyes so to speak.  Now caring for 28 mouths to feed, need God's provision. Living by faith...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Setting sail...

Lisa is back. Was a little touch and go whether I was going to be able to pick her up because the kia was broken, bad alte
rnator. We have been using it that way just charging batteries nightly, but the distance to the airport is much longer. I tested if the small generator we had would run our battery charger and let it run in the bed. I knew some money was coming but our bank was in the negative and I needed the small amount of money in my pocket just for fuel to get Lisa. But went to the electral mechanic anyway in far reaching hope it would be simple. Of course not, the alternator was burned up inside. While at the mechanics I got a call from a honduran man wanting to help us. He came by and gave enough to pay for a new alternator and the trip to pick up Lisa. If the LORD tells 2 sailors to make a trip, and one goes to the dock and says when the LORD sends the wind I will raise the sail and go. The other goes into the boat raises the sail and pushes away from the dock expecting the LORD to send the needed wind. Of the two, which one has faith? One is a worker only doing the minimum of what he is told, the other is a son, trying to please and do his fathers will.
Went to preach in the military yesterday. Picked up our pastor and 2 Bible students along with 2 of our kids and headed out...and broke down on the military base. Shifter fell apart. Thankfully, we arrived a few minutes early so I called Jr in hopes he could fix it during service, but there was no need. Instead I saw it was a shift cable loose but in a small area to get to under the cab. Patricia wanted to help and took a work knife pulled the shifter apart as I guided her and reinstalled the clips that had fallen loose. A few minutes later the kids were singing a special infront of the military. Feeling kinda giddy about things, I was sitting just outside the door and watched two military men bring glasses and a cold pitcher of water more than a 1/2 mile to our bible students preaching and us then sat to listen. It reminded me of David's mighty men. Wasn't sure for a moment if I should drink it or pour it out.. But in truth they were not David's men and um.. It was hot out.... After droping everyone off, we ran around making ready for the Dr visit in a week. Have a national Dr, Eye Dr, and a Dentist offering their time as well. Amen. As I returned home it was easy to tell Lisa was back as the smell eminating from kitchen as I open the door of the kia...
Just prior to Lisa's return I took the kids to the river to let off steam. While there I was able to talk about the LORD to some boys hanging around the Kia.
Last night Lisa unpacked her bags and had a few special gifts. She had visited a pearl place where you pick your oyster and extract your treasured pearl. She got one for Alba and Lourdes. They come with a kit to make them into a necklace. As she explained the girls were the real pearls of great price and had the girls read the scriptures, there were tears flowing all around. A treasured moment, amen.
Been all day trying to load 3 small pictures for this post...Finally.. Only 2 days loading pics...And yes sometimes there are typos but the effort required to post often outweighs the need to correct...

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