Three days journey for a well...
Friday-Drill rig on site and in position. After getting stuck several times. Flush out well and run all the pipe they have down the hole to start drilling. And find junk in the pump parts and tools...Too many years, too many hands in the soup... So not sure what the driller will do tomorrow....
Sat-... And the worst possible situation with the well. They set up and attempted to drill last night, found junk in well from years of various people losing things in it while working on it...Because it was never finished by the first driller and very problem prone. I have an promised outreach activity in the mountain today... so I go. On mountain all goes well, good teaching time, but no souls won. While gone, the driller gives up and leave us with an open now contaminated, still unfinished hole. So now we have zero water. Never seem to have enough to finish it right, just enough to do something, but not the right thing... Now he says he needs at least $4000 more to drill another well... that is on top of the balance of the anonymos donor... If screaming or banging my head on the wall would help, I would, but it wont... Need prayer. Without water here we are sunk.. in just a few more days. There is no way to haul enough in the worn kia to keep things going... nor do we have the funds to do so...
The job was to go down another 130 feet making it a 400 foot well and finish the install. But that also means we need a pump to lift higher. The one we have barely makes it to the house... It does not make it to the storage tank higher up that allows us water during the frequent power outages(and well drilling). We bought a cheap chinese pump and hooked it up at the high point of water to lift a bit more and it makes it to the tank..barely. But got it filled. Not a system that will continue to work just a stop gap temp solution, doing what one can with what they have...
Early Sunday morning options after cleaning up with little baby wipey things, Option "a"-Drink coffee and read pray and get rid of stress or B-chase robbers... uh, option "b" please. The boys came in early saying someone was outside the house...Armed the camera and we took off. Sure enough two people were on the property hiding near the house. Boys split to follow them, and I went to cut them off. Got a few bad photos but did not catch them.... The neigbors caught their buddies though, taking stuff out of another house across the street... How did they catch them? ...They were waiting on a bus with a full size bed and box spring and a sewing machine... I went right by them not thinking thieves would be waiting on the bus with a bed... Our neigbors cornere