Honduras Missions

The Ritchie Family / Children's Lighthouse

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Building Foundations

The folks from faith said their goodbyes. I took a few of the kids with me to the capital to see them off. We left them, and went to the end of the runway where the plane turns and the children were all waving as they took off. Back down the mountain hitting several large potholes where others(not us this time) were on the side of the road changing tires… The work continues here in Choluteca. Thursday was planned that extra men would work to lay the foundation and first layer of bricks. Pastor Santos send 4 men down from the mountain to help. Hector brought some men and Pastor Ramon sent some men. So 2 full crews are working it is a blessed thing to see. Honduran men building a Honduran church building with virtually all Honduran funds. That is not the norm in most ministries here in Honduras, and one worthy of praising the LORD about. As I was heading back after picking up a load of bricks in the Kia, a boy 14 years old was injured along the path coming up from the river. He had been gathering firewood and cut himself badly in the back of the leg/foot/ tendon and could not walk. Even fully loaded with 2 crews waiting, I picked him up put him in the truck and took him to the hospital. They believe he did not cut his tendon, but was close. I left him with funds for antibiotics ect. He could have bled to death had the LORD not directed my attention his way. Life never gets dull here.

Lisa talked to the Cancer Doctor and has begun his list of tests including getting a transfusion tomorrow. Omar is able to get blood through the red cross. The Doctor changed the time frame for the surgery as well as the place. It will be done in Tegucigalpa on Friday of next week. This is so he can get it all biopsied before she leaves the operating room. It seems more prudent. Keep us in prayer, battles on every side it seems some days.
Waiting anxiously for the trumpet.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Life and death in Honduras

Sunday as expected was a long day. La Cruz Baptist celebrated it’s 3 year anniversary along with ground breaking for a new building. Pastor Kline preached a stirring message. The Ladies made lunch for 100 people present. Iris was sitting with me and whispered in my ear he preaches “bonito”. Out of the mouth of babes thou has perfected praise…amen.

The evening before Faith opened some suitcases filled with goodies for our family, toy, clothes and treats like a Christmas in July. THANK YOU!

After services at La Cruz Baptist, 22 of us (La Cruz Baptist, Americans and our family) piled in the kia to go up to Lenaca and Ven a Mi Baptist Church to preach. Our girls sang the men sang, it was a great time praising the LORD from the heart. The LORD has really been working on Pastor Kline and he was moved at all he has seen and as he rose to preach his eyes were swelling with tears of joy, thanksgiving to the LORD. I believe it was like Christ when he went, saw and was moved with compassion. Honduras has a way of doing that. The Bible comes alive here, because much of the worldliness is stripped away, there is no wealth to hide the sin, When you preach, it is not in some abstract theory or idea, it is raw unadulterated truth for a struggling dying soul. One illustration Pastor Kline used was letting down the crippled man through the roof… and he realized the roofs he was looking at were just like the ones used in Jesus day 2000 years ago. He was not in a gran auditorium where that need be explained, it was self evident how it was done… The life and death struggle here was made even more poignant as we headed back down the mountain. The road was blocked by several hundred people and a half a dozen cars, because a man had been shot in the head by a thief. He was still
laying in the middle of the road. No one would move the body till the doctor arrived to pronounce him dead. So we had to wait about an hour as even more people came to see. It was making us nervous because violence in a situation like that is easily lit. Large crowd, lots of drunks with machetes and a dead family member in the street…. It was comforting to see the police arrive with large weapons. Alba asked for the camera and followed Omar who asked questions about how long. Alba took photos and Tono searched the truck to find the last 3 tracts to give to the folks in the truck in front of us… It just seemed to drive the lessons of the week home… of Life and death. Then to top it off when we finnaly got through 10 minutes down the road was a man laying in the ditch. We stopped to check his pulse. He reeked of beer and urine, then sturred, so we left him be. What do you want to be found doing when the trumpet sounds…

Drunk in a ditch, shopping... or serving? AMEN!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Building, Baptizing and Blessing abounding

More news from the front lines here in Honduras… Building, Baptizing, and Blessings abounding….
Faith Baptist group went Saturday with our men to Colonia to preach. There were 6 ready to be baptized, which Carlos gave the honor of preaching and baptizing to Pastor Kline. Our 12 year old Toño got his birthday request. He preached his first sermon in a service for the children with Carlo’s daughter Cindy and Omar’s daughter Maria helping control and songs ect. What a beautiful sight. Several children even raised hands for salvation. One of the couples baptized was a man 91 years old and married 60+ years amen! All the workers were given corn and watermelon to eat by the church there before returning. After arriving back in Choluteca they took the time to give out the suitcases of things brought for our kids so blessing abounded. Toño had wanted a Gerber knife like I carry for his birthday, They are not available here…but the church brought and gave him one…When you please the LORD he gives you the desires of your heart…amen. Tomorrow we will try to pack in doing 2 services both in the city and in the mountains…it will be another day that sleep comes easy…Amen!

Keep Lisa in prayer we meet with the doctor Monday to share the blood work exams we have. Today was the last treatment. Not sure what all the numbers mean but all of them are either the same or lower than when we started. The white blood count is even lower. We do need prayer for satan will and is attacking on every front of the battle, always looking for the weakness in us.

Friday, July 24, 2009

What is newsworthy?

We have a few folks with Pastor Kline from Faith Baptist Church visiting,who braved the political turmoil the news is reporting, to come and serve the LORD in our “conflict zone”, here in Honduras. As military jets flew overhead, military and police prepared for possible conflicts on the borders, marshal law imposed in our area, 10s of thousands of Hondurans march peaceably in the main cities in solidarity with the government for throwing the former president out. Yet instead of the good and right being reported, the world focuses on a man in full rebellion, step 2 feet into a country who legally ejected him. With all this going there was something of a much greater importance happening, something of eternal value, which the world knows nothing about nor understands.

Here we have begun to build a new church building. Not with might and wealth but with the sweat of our brow and blessing of the LORD, this small church is laying the cornerstones to a building. (The Chief Cornerstone of this church was laid 3 years ago last month Amen) The men (both La Cruz Baptist and Faith Baptist), worked side by side in 98 degree heat all day, to dig and lay foundations, cut rebar, load rock from the river, mix cement. Whatever was asked of the by our “Master Builder”. It was a true joy to watch. Some our church women served up local watermelon as it was all coming to a close this day. I turned and asked Carlos again…”Was the LORD please with this today?” “Yes Barry” … "then nothing else matters”…Amen. The Faith girls visiting spent the day at the Lighthouse with our daughter Sasha who is covering for me while the group is here. They were playing and working with the kids; learning to cook outdoors, make tortillas and wash clothes by hand. I called to see how they were handing my daily routine that I have had for months. Sasha said they were taking a nap (not the 18 children but the girls). Hmm. Oh How I wish I had that opportunity when watching 18 children. It is more like trying to keep 18 cats in a small box with no lid, always something to deal with…Welcome to Honduras Sleep comes easy here like a runner after an ironman marathon, but the LORD gives his beloved sleep. It takes more effort here just to breath…As I arrived (remember curfews...) they were in full swing of supper and had arm fulls of loving kids…

On a side note. Today was Toño’s birthday, but because of curfews church visiting ECT, I ask him if we could postpone it a bit. He said fine, but asked if he could preach or teach a lesson like the men do on Saturday in Colonia, but to the young children?…What a request from a 12 year old who just got his birthday postponed. How do you think the LORD responds when we please Him in a similar way….Ye have not because you ask amiss… Oh but when we learn to ask aright…He gives us our hearts desires. Amen and amen. Now in heaven in a few thousand years will the world news of the day be remembered or the news from Honduras missions be remembered. I am confident which one will still be found giving God His Glory amen!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

They that wait upon the LORD...

We have been consumed these past weeks in unwanted news of politics, war and sickness. It can weaken even the strongest without the spirit of the LORD to sustain them. (My strength was gone long before I arrived in Honduras) I want to take a moment to share, its not all doom and gloom, for one day the trumpet will sound; but who will be found about our fathers business…

In La Cruz Baptist, they have broke ground and the men of the church are putting in the foundation of a new church building. AAMEN! They are doing it by faith for they do not have what is needed to finish…but I am sure they will. We are all weary and dirty from the tents… I took some men out of the city, to order sand, gravel, and also to the brick makers to order bricks Sat. They make them just like in the days of Moses… From the pulpit, Carlos has been preaching on the security of salvation but from a burly and fearful perspective. It has been a joy to hear. To the effect, Yes you can be sure... but you had better be sure.

In Colonia they are planning for 6 baptisms this coming week. This is the church that meets under a tree up the mountain. One person is going to start a second service with Pastor Carlo’s help…Amen…(We can now officially call him that Amen!)

In Los Tererros it is still going along. Though Pastor Enemesio is having a time getting up there every week. He is still not as strong as he was before he broke his leg in the accident but he is hiking up the mountain or riding his bike up (30km up) Still needs some kind of transportation, a motorcycle, 4x4 or ? It would help the ministry greatly to have a vehicle at their disposal full time.

In Lenaca Pastor Santos has begun the institute classes and is tight in the building we repaired a few years ago…Amen. Some Sunday school classes would be high on his list of needs…The blind girl I visited a while back now has a bed…Amen! He is in need of 12v lighting that would use very little electric. IE LED type. I had set him up so he could use the solar panel at his home to charge the batteries and take the battery to church for services. But cannot find the led lighting here. The lights in the home no longer work and the ones used in the house are designed to not rob a lot of power needed to charge bat for church. 12v led lights from an RV Store or truck stop should work. It would allow him to work a little later….

In The Children’s Lighthouse, Water is holding out and getting clearer. Haven’t tested it yet. The nation celebrates nation Indian day here and all the school teach about it. The public school teachers came over and showed our children how to make plastic bag dresses and the boys made bows and arrows for school. I had to follow behind making them ...uh modest, Hmm.. But hey, how many schools in the USA teach and encourage the kids to make working bows for school… probably as many as ask the kids to bring machetes to clean up day… Mentally, I fit in better here…Amen the LORD knows.
Unworthy Servant to a Worthy Saviour,

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Need Prayer

To our wonderful ministering Saints…we need prayer, strong fervent prayer of the righteous.
This update was written on several days and finally sent today as I was able ….

I do not like to be political in my writings but with current and recent events it seems time to forgo this notion for the moment. As the world worships its icon(s) with relentless news coverage. Something much more news worthy has happened here in Honduras. The glimmer of hope, freedom and democracy is not shining for the Historical US Lighthouse, rather it is in Honduras. Honduras was facing a return to political puppet government that has plagued all latin America for a century, being helped by the likes of Cuba, Venezuela (and the USA). The “coup” in Honduras was really the checks and balances of a duly elected constitutional government at work. Nothing more nothing, nothing less. The military was under control of the congress and supreme court of Honduras. Without the USA in its corner, this may have long term events that affects ministries in the western hemisphere. Ask the missionaries in Cuba, Venezuela, Equador or Bolivia if getting the gospel out is easier now, for their governments succumbed to a political backslide. We had already experienced difficulties first hand, like added “fees” for containers, having to report our church members names, id# and churches income and even where it was spent to the government under the deposed president. We saw first hand his political process, going to poor areas giving out $100 per family just before a vote on his memorandums. Yet none of the poor we know, (all of the churches we started are poor) want the deposed President back. Further more they are disappointed in their long time alley the USA for their opposition. If the light goes out here it will no be long before it is vanquished everywhere in the western hemisphere.
Here are some links to some articles that state the same…






Now for the more news worthy “something”.
I was having devotions with the children amidst the week of rumors, fighting, a possible invasion, war, troops passing, tanks along the road. We had finished the book of Acts and moved into Genesis. All were huddled under a dewalt flashlight(no Elet), stormy outside, and had just finished the begots chapter in Gen. You know, the so in so begot so in so. I shared a few details of some of them so as to make it more interesting, then the Holy Spirit took over inspite of me. The children began asking questions, which led to presenting the gospel. Several trusted the LORD as Saviour. Not just a bow your head and pray, but with tears of repentance. This in turn brought forth from more, confessing faults one to another, I am sorry for this or that. Tono came up to me weeping and apologizing for all the stuff he had stolen in the past. The others began to clap and do the same. All I could do it thank the Lord for His goodness.

Now for the major prayer request… This has immediately become our main prayer need.
There is no easy way to say it other than just let it out. As some of you know Lisa has been battling sicknesses this year, seeming from many angles. Whooping cough, pneumonia allergic reactions ect. Yesterday evening Lisa went to a gynecologist. The Doctor was so alarmed at what she found she ordered her to undergo a biopsy under general anesthesia at 6:30am. When talking to the doctor after she was very concerned and wanted the tests rushed through the Lab in the capital. The Doctor is certain Lisa will need a hysterectomy for cancer. And stressed soon The level of treatment yet to be determined. The Doctor also recommended the Sinai Clinic here with the cancer specialist they have. She would assist him in the actual operation. (It is the same place we took Pastor Enemesio and Carlos for their treatment). This operation may take place in the next 2 weeks, maybe as soon as Friday after the test results are in. We need to go Monday for more test, but over drew our bank today for enough to pay for the biopsy work. Everything here is pay as you go, pay up front so they can purchased what is needed to operate. And the operation it self will cost $3-4000. Not sure what to do right now other than seek lots of prayer from ministering saints. If anyone wants to help with the major expenses, the funds will need to be wired to out account here in order to have funds available in the time frame we might be looking at.

You can call us at 603-397-0606 or my cell 011-504-9616-9851(my cell has no voicemail)

Unworthy Servant to a Worthy Saviour

Picture page from the week. All photos on the Blog…
*Lisa just before Biopsy
*Our 9yr olds mowing grass…Honduran style
*Alba cutting up Iguana the boys caught for lunch for the kids
*One of the Tanks parked near the Children’s Lighthouse property near the Nicaraguan border.
*Sasha learning to drive for the first time, in a 40 yr old Datsun, in a war zone?...good thing, she has had her Honduran license for a couple of years now, might as will make it useful…

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