Do you want good memories to keep when in heaven or ones where tears must be wiped away? One full week with no water, many trips to the city with a tank to pick up water. During devotions last night, Jenny, our one child who really likes to stay clean (personally anyway), made a comment to the kids; who stinks? Then she began to sniff out the problem smelling each kid. Her face was priceless as she discovered it was her… And ran into my bathroom and bathed with the bucket of water I had saved to flush my toilet. Hmm what should be my illustration for devotions now?
We managed to purchase 4 power poles, as a few of you who helped know, they’re hard to put in by hand. Three got upright Sat. before the rain started. But we had help, when some of the folks in the neighborhood found out, 8 men show up with shovels, all hoping we would allow them to run a line across the highway so they could run off our transformer too… Suddenly our transformer seems small. The big question for me is who comes to church Sunday? Still need enough electric line to run it all. Maybe a shower by next week. It doesn’t matter how strong the deodorant or perfume one uses they can all be overpowered if given enough time … Hmm sermon illustration.
Sitting down to a movie and popcorn with the kids. I did not grow up with TV in Alaska, just a special neighborhood16mm movie time once or twice a month. Nor do we have it here other than what we put in a machine. So to me, movie time should be a special family time. Making the popcorn takes a while. For most, they toss one or two bags in the microwave and a minute later eat. We do it the old fashion way in a 10gal pot over an open flame and make a big garbage bag full… We did the same thing for the church on Thursday. Since no one had power, we were the main attraction in the neighborhood running the video equipment and lights off the kia like in the mountains.
In other news -
There are 240 suit quality belts available in the USA hand made by the New Jerusalem Baptist Church in St Teresa up in the Mountains. Believe it or not, made on an old peddle sewing machine. You will think they were made in a big factory when you see them. I am still amazed. They are quality leather, sizes 32-40, black dress belts. These will sell for about $15 plus whatever it takes to get it to you (from Oh or Fla). (we are not the ones setting prices stateside they may chose to sell them at cost or with a markup to cover their costs too) All great quality and will last years, best of all your helping a local new testament church survive, grow and propagate the Gospel. AMEN! This batch will buy cement and other materials needed to prevent their adobe walled church from washing away. Your abundance supplies their need and their abundance supplies your need… All things in Common, and Biblical Amen. This is our first shipment of many we hope. So if you are interested in great belts please let us know. Maybe for your church bookstore, missions conference, college or school, a special one for someone special a pastor or missions director, husband ect. Maybe you know of a chain store that might stock and sell them or??? If you want something different made also let us know as well, Special request, Bible covers, Harnesses, hair/keychain almost any leather item. The plan is to send them back in suitcases for now. I checked UPS, shipping a 50 lbs box with about 120 belts from here was $700+ dollars….yikes, so returning empty suitcases are fine for now, and the cheap mail within the USA is best.
The last things.. Playing with the kids, I printed off a bunch of paper airplanes patterns for the children to make. For a while we were a busy paper airplane airport…
For some reason I was given many notes today from the kids. Some color pages some hand written notes. I even got two from Jenny and Julie which has become rare as they matured. They would normally rather tell me and hug, than write a note. But still nice.