No Wedding Bells...
Had a wonderful time In the Fountain of Life Baptist church (colonia Trapeche) at the wedding of Elias and Bessy yesterday. The first wedding in the new building. A wedding of 2 converts wanting to get their lives right after 9 years living together and 2 children. Bessy has asked for prayer several years that her man would "get right with the LORD". When he did, the Sprit of the LORD began working on him. He has become a leader in the church by example. The hour long preaching before the ceremony was hard line to hearers but uplifting to the wedding couple. In his first wedding, Brother Marc Antonio did not leave any rocks to hid under and used the couple as an example for others to follow. They are poor and could not even afford the bus fare to town to do the paperwork or Aids and other testing needed in the beginning, but as they began to sacrifice their will to attain God's will, it all came together. As word spread, others helped. A suit was loaned to him as well as a dress for her from those with a little more. Even a stranger bought the wedding rings for them. The main catholic man in the village who goes to town to teach on the radio and has opposed us on many occasion, he offered his home for the reception and bought the food. Psalms 23:5 came to mind. My advice, just forsake all and follow Christ...